Not asshole.
There is no such subtype.
I play guitar, watch USMLR and NHL, occasionally brew beer, enjoy live music and travel, and practice sarcasm.
Mastodon - @baronvonj@mas.to
Pixelfed - @baronvonj@pixelfed.social
Not asshole.
There is no such subtype.
Yeah if this isn’t a step on the path to "connect your phone to this [usb-c|thunderbolt|whatevs] dock and you get a full desktop OS, I’m not super interested.
It’s absurd how much money she makes from this one song. But it least it isn’t that ear-raping shit stain by Paul McCartney.
The standard Non-LaCros browser does not support profiles, but LaCros does.
So … No more browser profiles?
ChromeOS, powered by Mr Fusion.
Can someone eggsplain this?
I still use “baby steps onto …” all the time. And “is this some radical new …?” too, but not nearly as much.
Wife and I still use that line and “two minutes” quite regularly.
Get out of here with your historical and cultural context!
That many SJ’s seems too deliberate! It must be deeper than that! #Hooters
Is LMFHSJSJSJD a thing? Laughing my ducking hooters …
Google seems to have my back on this one.
Seriously what’s that about?
Yeah, it’s a broad generalization, and the article is 12 years old so trends may have changed since then.
Just put a picture of yourself smiling nicely on your dating app
About that … https://healthland.time.com/2011/05/27/advice-for-online-daters-if-youre-a-guy-dont-smile/
Whipped cream. Salty and sweet. Delicious.
Is that Ultimate Warrior?