You wouldn’t download ecologically friendly things!?
You wouldn’t download ecologically friendly things!?
Omg omg omg I didn’t follow any of that
Eh if you want to go real efficient you just drop the heating music and light and have only non electric machines and voilà! 0W used :D
Imagine proofreading after a 4am caffeine fuels writing extravaganza
Nice coquelicot
I have a spoon that didn’t get stamped correctly, on edge is flat like it was sanded down. It’s my favourite spoon, it’s mine
What if I don’t have kids? 🤔 Checkmate Google
Just missing hamas tunnels
Why do we need graphics for stuff going to the atom smasher?
3 three years?
There’s something that feel right living with so many strangers around, like it feels safer to me.
We don’t gas them, so it’s not as bad. But yeah it’s still not great
Where’s my potash?