Also if your parachute fails, you have a second, angrier parachute as a backup
Also if your parachute fails, you have a second, angrier parachute as a backup
Nah, winter fans are inside with a warm drink
So bulking was a good idea, more of him to go around
Yes and that’s jambo in the pic
I didn’t read anything and thought this was the meme at first
Who’s on first, Not on second, and not who’s up to bat
They left out that you need to inject it with a needle
My favorite is when it’s something I made myself, how is it a repost?
I had to duct tape my armrest a week ago. This is because my previous tape job from a few years ago was falling apart.
It’s fine I promise
They use a look-up table with every value from 0% to 100%
That’s ridiculous, my PC is like 10 pounds, there’s no way a cat could push-
oh no
Agreed. It was a buggy mess, but nothing made it unplayable (unless you were playing on xbox1/ps4). Additionally, the game is in a much better state now, CDPR put a lot of effort into polishing it up rather than leaving it a buggy mess
The joke is that despite a nuke going off, he can’t take anything seriously and instead makes a joke about mushrooms, which result in both people dying instead of taking cover
Idk what to do if you didn’t find it funny though
Just saw a Steve mould YT short: every time you sharpen a pencil, you’re at best removing 2/3 of the lead so that you can use 1/3 of it to write. At worst, your removing like 9/10 of the pencil
Me to the file cabinet: 🥺👉👈 promise me you won’t tell anyone?
K I quit