Ublock [1] and Noscript [2] are must have. you could also checkout Privacy Badger [3].
If you use arkenfox user.js [4] you could also use I still don’t care about cookies [5]
- [1] https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/ublock-origin/
- [2] https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/noscript/
- [3] https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/privacy-badger17/
- [4] https://github.com/arkenfox/user.js/
- [5] https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/istilldontcareaboutcookies
No script is redundant with ublock origin on advanced mode.
Would you please let me know how do i get the same “all scripts are blocked” and allowlist specific domains only like in noscript? As far as i know ublock enable/disable javascript for whole website not subdomains. I could be wrong. And noscript have xss protection.
I have used noscript for a long time but after trying umatrix (from the ublock origin developer) I doubt I’m going back since this one feels more powerful. Maybe you want to give that one a try 🙂. I use it alongside ublock.
as far as i know umatrix is unmaintained. so the default ublock + noscript seems the best combination.
Umatrix became unmaintained because ublock origin can handle most of its use cases. You just need to run Ublock origin in medium or hard mode. More info ca he found on wiki: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/wiki/Blocking-mode:-medium-mode
I see some of these have already been mentioned, but they do deserve repeating;
- µBlock Origin - blocks ads, and does it well.
- Privacy Badger - blocks trackers, rewrites some tracking URLs, etc.
- Multi-Account Containers - for those places where you want to keep tabs separate, giving each container its own cookies/session/etc.
- Consent-O-Matic - automatically handles a lot of pages that shove annoying (and often technically GDPR-illegal due to lacking a quick “reject all” button) consent forms in your face.
- Imagus - shows linked images on hover, including support for galleries and scrolling through all the images contained.
I use I don’t care about cookies, I wonder how different it is from consent-o-matic
FYI- I was about to install “I don’t care about cookies” when I noticed all the 1 star reviews. People saying its been purchased by Avast and is now data mining.
“I still don’t care about cookies” is a community fork, does the same thing but isn’t owned by a big company.
- Ublock origin: block ads
- Vimium: browse with vim like keystrokes
- Firenvim: edit text areas in neovim
- Dark reader: dark colors on webpages
- Containers: isolate browsing data
The vim related extensions works for real? 😱 I need to try them ASAP!
Did you try Tridactyl for vim like browsing? Is Vimium C better?
I started there. But then it migrated to pentadactyl, which i had trouble installing. Tridactyl was an improvement, and honestly would work great for me… But id already switched…
- Checker Plus for Gmail - Great way for me to see incoming emails in multiple inboxes, and mark as read/unread or respond
- Open With - quickly open a webpage in another browser
- SponsorBlock for YouTube - skips ads and sponsor segments in YouTube videos
- uBlock Origin - The best adblocker
- Video Speed Controller - Allows you to change the speed of a video, outside the normally allowed range (some slower videos are much better at 3x)
- Snap Links - Lets you draw a rectangle and opens all links inside. Great for checking out a list of links, like the links in this comment, for example