Now that’s awfully cool of you 😄. I’ll give that a spin with Symfonium this weekend; much obliged!
Now that’s awfully cool of you 😄. I’ll give that a spin with Symfonium this weekend; much obliged!
This sounds like a cool thing. Will it run on FreeBSD? If unknown, I will likely try and find out this weekend.
TrueNAS Core as main OS and a few jails for the services I run on the machine.
If you run both Pi.Alert and Pi-hole, Pi.Alert will get the information on network devices from Pi-hole. The only way of I know of excluding active devices would be adding their MAC addresses to MAC_IGNORE_LIST in pialert.conf.
Woah I didn’t know that game was about to be released 😮. It’s been on my wish list for a long time. Well, I know what I’ll play tomorrow now that I completed Blasphemous 2!
I have used noscript for a long time but after trying umatrix (from the ublock origin developer) I doubt I’m going back since this one feels more powerful. Maybe you want to give that one a try 🙂. I use it alongside ublock.
As a user of the old Opera browser back in the day, I cannot express how much I have longed for this feature! Really looking forward to this 🥳