I’m trying to dl a documentary from 2015 called Sensitive but there are no seeds/peers. I searched the piratebay, 1337x, yts, torrentz2. Any idea where to search further?
I’ve had luck before just leaving something in a ready state for a few days. Sometimes a seeder will appear for a brief moment and bless you with their bandwidth. Remember to pay it forward in cases like that where the thing is rare and not in a lot of demand. You can theoretically leave it running forever and never worry about seeding too much.
Also a good idea to get a seedbox.
This one? Sensitive: The Untold Story (2015)
There is a 1080p version with 4 seeders on ext.to
Yap, thanks!
If that’s the correct one i can also say that from the Usenet side Drunkenslug also finds 2 entries (1080p h264; one with 4.8 another with 3.3gb). Didn’t bother downloading, but the uploads arent that old and have some grabs so should work just fine.
Installing the search function on Qbittorrent is really simple, and is my go to when I can’t find something elsewhere
Woah, how is this possible? Mind sending a guide or post about this?
Thanks a bunch 🌻
I didn’t know this was possible. Thanks so much!
I just checked, if it’s called Sensitive - The Untold Story, there’s quite a few on there. Top one is saying 76 seeders, which usually means about 10 anyway!
You need to install Python and fuck about a bit, but it’s well worth it. Reddit has multiple guides on how to do it
That’s where I begin all my searches.
One plan is to leave it leaching for weeks and hope someone appears (then you must seed)
Another is to search the hash to try find more versions with different trackers
You can start looking for another torrent that has at least one or two seeds, and even if they have none, add them to your download queue
If you’re lucky, someone, with some of those torrents, will connect eventually, maybe
You could also search for a direct link, download it, and upload it yourself for future pirates
Or as a last resource, make a sacrifice, buy a cd copy if it exists, rip it, and be the one to put it back online
Good luck matey
Yep search public libraries online and maybe get lucky
FWIW: archive.org torrents are perma-seeded. If you can find the torrent on archive, you’re in business.
Some seeders rotate, so just let it sit for a while. I’ve had success after a few weeks of waiting. Works more often than you’d think.
Thank you all. Happy now.
You could add more trackers to the torrent using a list like the one on github hosted by ngosang.
thats not how you hyperlink my dude
I’m sorry, I’m new at this. How do you do it?
Put the text you want to be the link in brackets then immediately follow with the URL in parenthesis. For example
[your text](https://lemmy.world)
turns into your text.Thank you! I wondered before how it was done this way.
Ive found success configuring my client to check a huge list of trackers for more peers seems to woek 9/10 times
Are dht and pex enabled?
deleted by creator
Check around the stream sites or Direct Downloads here on the megathread
Alot of things I cant find on torrents are still around for streaming and dload that way.