Pocket monsters trading card game Pocket
Curious if this will tie in with the existing TCG apps or physical products at all. I go through spells of playing and I’ve built up quite a collection of digital card. I also enjoy getting digital download codes with physical packs. I’d hate for them to shift focus to a new card app focused on micro transactions or lose the perk of download codes from packs. Though, I have a feeling that’s the route they’ll go.
I like the animations and 3d models for the pack openings and cards. I’m surprised more games haven’t gone that route.
This looks like a fun chill experience. I’m not big on mobile gaming or their micro transactions but I don’t plan on spending any money on this. Just want to enjoy the artwork and collecting aspect.
Nope. Gotta have print on cardboard. I’ll be pissed to see a collection disappear when service stops.