We sometimes play a custom “Wingman Mode” with our 5 year old. I can’t recommend this invention highly enough. My wife and I will hang back and do everything we can to run interference so our son can win. This includes ramming others off the road, diving in front of shells, or driving backwards with a Fire Flower and picking off competitors. You get better items because you’re not in first, the kid still has to participate and try, and it’s a novel way to play an old game.
Don’t mind me, just taking notes.
Mr President mode! I love the idea!
Reading this utterly filled me with wholesome joy.
I do something similar for my 5 yo, it actually makes for a more fun challenge than just stomping the 50cc AI. until he starts the smack talk, then he gets rekt
Which version can you get fire flowers in?
I believe they were added in MarioKart 7 (for the 3DS) and are also available in MarioKart 8 (for the Wii U and Switch)
Nah, she’s getting destroyed.
Mario Kart doesn’t take it easy on the kids.
Especially if they’re winning.
When I was young I used to get so unreasonably upset, crying that “the game cheats!” and my parents would make me turn off the console for the rest of the day until my attitude improved. They, and eventually I, just thought I was bad at handling failure.
Lo and behold, 20 years later, do some deep dive into the code and the way Mario Kart actually functions, turns out that mfer DOES cheat like hell, constantly. Like literally every second the game is running the CPU racers are cheating. They’ll rubber band to your speed to make sure an opponent is always on your ass at all times, they straight up ignore walls and out-of-bounds slowdown, they roll good items they shouldn’t be able to have in their position - MK is crooked as hell in all possible places that the devs could sneak cheats into.
I still have yet to receive an apology about this.
You should put together a PowerPoint and force your family to watch.
“Why I Have Trust Issues, and Why It’s Your Fault, Gaslighters.”
The closest representation of real life in a videogame, yet
Children must earn first place in Mario kart. Or won’t be given away for free.
Me decimating the completion in SuperTuxKart
I really like the meme, kids have way more time than me to play mario kart. At first, you’re like a god. Two weeks later you get absolutely destroyed.
The Intimidator has joined your game
Your Lemmy username would go hard in a Mario Kart match.
You’re the first one to notice it. 👍🏽
deleted by creator
Raise hell, praise Dale!
Would you ask the wind not to blow?
Would you demand the sun to stand still in the skies?
Would you shackle a god?
They’re playing with me, they’re shooting for second
Just kidding, I suck at Mario Kart XD
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