When you’re trying to find the brown note
Life as a composter
“No, I actually think he’s a brilliant composer, I just said his music stinks”
It’s 9AM on a Saturday And I am dropping a deuce There’s a piano sitting next me My bowels are sloppy and loose
“Maybe a bit too relatable?” - Billy Joel (probably)
Made my day 😂
Well thats one way to make a cacophony
Beethoven’s 5th movement
I used to work at a recording studio in the 90s. There was a telephone in the bathroom. Once I asked why and my boss said that sometimes people needed a private place to use the phone and that when John Mellencamp recorded an album there back in the 80s, he spent a lot of his down time using the bathroom phone.
It was unknown if he did so while pooping.
Time for a bit of a tinkle on the ivory
Me, playing the Sims when poor.
Genius idea if it’s a public toilet. No more need to cough to signify my occupation
And for my last movement…
Never know when you’ll have a flush of inspiration.
Being shit at Juliard be like:
Hey! The acoustics are just better in here…