I prefer lab grown vehicle to the ones mined out of the ground.
I prefer lab grown vehicle to the ones mined out of the ground.
AuDHD refers to simultaneous autism + ADHD.
Some symptoms appear to “cancel out” each other from an external perspective.
Right, but we fucked off the island and had a grand old time. There are no records that we were in any particular hardship since landing in America.
The other side of the family was busy yodeling in the alps until 1905. Maybe they got caught up in Napoleonic shit.
I reckon the last bad thing that happened to my ancestors was the civil war.
The English civil war.
/s doesn’t mean sarcastic.
Out of the hundreds of judges, over 97% were born on Earth.
All 97%, and all of the remaining 3%, have lived on or in the orbit of Earth for the past three consecutive years. Their financial records indicate that their income is primarily from terrestrial sources.
My understanding is that in a porn folder one of fictional well endowed characters was apparently supposed to be under aged. I also understand there were numerous horses.
Guy in the picture is an online politics streamer and has a running “joke” that he’s a pedophile.
AFAIK he’s not and there’s no real evidence supporting it. He is, however, a horse botherer.
Back when the war in Ukraine started someone faked a news story about the “Karkiv Kid Finder”, which got some attention. https://www.reuters.com/article/fact-check/cnn-did-not-tweet-a-story-about-the-kharkiv-kid-finder-idUSL2N2VB0UM/
No mixed feelings.
I wish there was more wind.
I like wind.
Mini usb is where it’s at!
Same way we get boll weavils.
Sterilize a ton of mosquitoes, release them into the wild, and have them compete against fertile ones. Over time, the population decreases.
As a workaround with the default directory fuckery, I always just made new ones.
I’m not confident my tax documents aren’t saved to my dektop.
I usually air gap onto an external disk, but I’ve been busy recently.
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How much have you read about the history of religion?
If they’re not doing it to others, they’re doing it to themselves. The last time there wasn’t a Christian church leader ranting about an evil person was around year 0.
Me, playing the Sims when poor.
Plato has basically nothing to do with modern politics.
You’re going to laugh, but I’m absolutely serious here: if your objective is to understand modern politics, I would start with The Prince and the Communist Manifesto.
Both of these are short, written by extremely influential figures, written for non-academic audiences, and have some amount of relevancy to current political operations. They absolutely do not explain modern politics, but they are important foundational texts. Spend 20 hours on the manifesto; 2 hours to read and 18 hours of commentary and related topics. Avoid going deeper into the communist rabbit holes. stop there. Spend 30 hours on the prince; look for college level lectures. You can spend more than 30 if you like, but don’t go for the self help guru dipshits, obviously.
Just keep in mind the target audences and the potential bias the two authors bring to the table.
After those two, I want you to read On Liberty and read up on John Locke’s social contract theory. Those four works will get you a lot of milage.
A book about current events or a book about the study of politics? OP indicated they were political theory focused, so a lot of the theory was written by old dead guys; not exactly news about current events.
You edited your original post. I thought you were unaware of what AuDHD meant. I’m not for or against anything anyone else wrote, mostly because I’m half-reading while intermittently socializing with inlaws on Christmas eve.
Carry on.
Edit: wait, it’s christmas right now. whatever. Happy hannukah.