blockchain for state management, TRULY speculative execution.
I once wrote an interpreter for a subset of the java bytecode in python. The jvm being a stack machine allowed me to store its state in IPFS and reference past states by their hash, i.e. you get a blockchain of execution states. It worked for a hello world program and was slow as fuck.
I am terrified and aroused
I’m only terrified
You’re responsible for cleaning up all this vomit I made just now.
And AI for arithmetic operations. That’s so brilliant. I think we have a great idea for startup.
Speculative haxecution.
You joke but transactional memory in CPUs is a thing ;)
But is it web scale?
For webscale you might want to use mongodb
Edit: oh shit. This is old.
This has to be a joke right?
No, jokes on the internet are illegal because nobody recognizes them as jokes