I tried the alternatives people were suggesting on reddit at the time:
- Some are clean (no trackers, etc), but change the experience too much and I want a traditional launcher.
- Some work like I expect them to, but Exodus ( https://reports.exodus-privacy.eu.org/en/ ) shows lots of trackers… moving from one that might track in the future to one that already tracks is not a good move.
- Open source alternatives, which I prefer, either move very slow (Neo Launcher) or are dead.
- Not all handle gesture navigation or Android 12/13 well.
So I’m still on Nova. I did upgrade to the beta as after a certain A13 update the stable version started bugging out, but that’s it. I use LineageOS and can remove internet access from apps, so that’s what I did. My hope is that Neo Launcher becomes more active, but until a few things are improved/fixed, I’ll stay on Nova.
I could just use the stock launcher on LineageOS btw… the reason I don’t is that it’s easier to backup an app and restore it after a reset/moving ROMs.
Why do you need to trust a launcher with your data at all? Why does it ever leave your device? This made me very skeptical about them.
A launcher needs a lot of privileges to do its work. I have to trust it that it does not collect/send anything to anywhere.
My AOSP launcher has zero permissions, except one that I optionally enabled to see notifications so it can do the little notification dots on my app icons.
the FLOSS alternative https://github.com/NeoApplications/Neo-Launcher/
I don’t have a play store link if you do please post it for those in need
Thanks for sharing! They don’t seem to have a Play Store listing, but they do have an F-Droid link on the IzzyOnDroid repo. Can also add their GitHub releases to Obtainium for easy updating.
Thank you for Obtainium reference
It’s a great tool!
And now I just learned about Obtainium. Thank you!
Been using lawnchair since forever, I try to avoid closed source apps as much as possible, so Nova was never an option for me.
Just wish it would get more development.
The last Alpha is from August 8 and even then the current iteration is a shell of what Lawnchair was during the V2 Alpha daysConsider using Neo Launcher. It’s open source and actively developed and is basically what lawnchair aimed to be.
Anyway, I just wish KISS offered a better widget customization.
I love KISS. Anyone picking up my phone would just see a blank screen with seemingly no function unless you know to swipe.
I made the jump to Niagara and have enjoyed it so far. I really enjoyed Nova, but there’s no going back at this point.
Im not even sure what this all means? Ive been using Nova Launcher since my Galaxy Note 2, though… maybe I should stop using it?
This means that around a year ago nova was sold to a data collection company. But nova team declared that this had no impact on the launcher.
this is declared for mostly every company takeover, and very rarely happens in practice.
What to do, is up to you. Many stopped using nova .
Interesting. Maybe its time to give the stock Samsung launcher a try, I guess?
I personally have still been using Nova Launcher and like it a lot more than Samsung’s on my S23 Ultra.