YYYY-MM-DD is the only way.
ISO-8601 FTW
ELI5 ISO-8601
Best way to write the date. Year then month then day using numbers. Allows for easy sorting in computer for people and also no gets confused like they do in other systems. It’s an international standard handled by the ISO group
it also just make sense, we already put the more significant number on the left side when writing numbers anyways. MM/dd/YYYY is more like writing one hundred and twenty three as 231
I’ve grown accustomed to dates in this format, because of software engineering. Yesterday I had to write out MM/DD/YY on some paperwork, and it broke my brain for a good 30s trying to remember the format.
Oh I fully agree but I wouldn’t let it get in the way of a decent meme
I’d love to share a fifth with May!
Just don’t invite Clarkson.
May and Hammond maybe, but not Clarkson
I would definitely have fun spending an evening with him, in the same way it’d be fun watching a giant dumpster fire or some kind of natural disaster.
dd/mm/yyyy is broke
yyyy-mm-dd is B E S P O K E
ISO-8601 FTWDD Mon YYYY for human readability, YYYY-MM-DD for computer readability.
DD-MM-YYYY itches me wrong the same way as when people tell me their phone number with seven digits AND THEN give me the area code as if I still ONLY have a landline that I ONLY use to place local calls e_e
It’s the forth tho. What am I supposed to do with the extra 5% of May?
Welcome to the future! We’ve been expecting you
Alright, I’ll admit. Who is May?
Sir Brian Harold May CBE (born 19 July 1947) is an English musician, songwriter, record producer, animal rights activist and astrophysicist. He achieved worldwide fame as the lead guitarist and backing vocalist of the rock band Queen, which he co-founded with singer Freddie Mercury and drummer Roger Taylor. -Wikipedia
ETA: so a legend basically :D
Cinco de mayo?
Does this represent 1/5 of May by weight, volume, image area, or just a linear 1/5 of the height of the image?
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Good skills or bad skills?