The badly framed picture and finger in front of the lens are nice touches.
That and referencing windows key combos from within macOS, despite apple’s own inbuilt screen capture capabilities.
I appreciate the meme’s use of the Windows hotkey while it is displayed on a mac
NGL I thought it was win11 first I had to do a double take.
It is useful when you try to troubleshoot some boot problem or some other issue when your PC freeze with wall of text.
But it is the only time it is acceptable (and this meme).
I have a lot of photos of bios settings. Bios updates usually sets everything back to default, and my handcrafted fan curves and overclock profiles are super important.
I wonder how hard it would be for a PC monitor to have the tech to screenshot what it’s currently displaying, allowing you to USB the photo over to another device and post it without the awful screen issues that come with external picture taking
Thank drm for these issues and it is also a reason why this won’t be implemented any time soon.
Too many steps
My work has everything locked down. Our (required) password manager can’t copy/paste the 16 ASCII-character passwords that change every day! Like, WTF!?
Photo of screen printed out from a Polaroid, that is then scanned to email to yourself compressed, which you open to printscreen and paste into MS Paint and save as a minimum size jpg.
Look at Mr. Cutting Edge over here, emailing to himself instead of using a fax machine like God intended
Mentions windows and uses Mac then clicks a photo with a finger on the glass.
docx with a screnshoot of a pdf - my Grandma
Is your grandma a boomer CEO?
with the finger in the shot. nice
That’s a mac, so it’s cmd+shift+3 for a whole screenshot, cmd+shift+4 for selection or a window (switchable via space bar) and cmd+shift+5 for a screen cap menu
I hit Win, type “snip”, click on snipping tool, then use the gui to start my selection process. Every time.
Why… just hit printscreen to bring up the selection UI.
While I haven’t even thought about digging around for root-cause, I have seen different behaviors across a few Windows insurances. Some pop up the UI, one still just captures the last active screen, or all screens… (It’s weird, but I don’t care enough about it to even Google the config.) Hell, it might have been patched and I haven’t noticed yet.
Force of habit. I also use the delay feature quite often.
Win+shift+S if you have onenote installed. Just configure it to always save to clipboard the first time it opens a pop up asking what to do with the clip
I can’t recommend Greenshot enough. Very handy and open source as well
…same feeling about Shottr for the Mac. It has much nicer editing features than the standard Mac system and you can add extra screenshots or files.
Thanks for the tip!
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Hold a mirror to the laptop camera.
The only way is to bind flameshot to the print screen key
I bound mine to shift, meta, s.
I said “the ONLY way”!!!
Understandable, have a nice day.
Snipping tool gets no love
Because snipping tool doesn’t support HDR.
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