Now do one for phones that still have a microsd slot
Now do one for phones that still have a microsd slot
Once you have jail broken your PS Vita you can download games to it through PKGj
I appreciate the meme’s use of the Windows hotkey while it is displayed on a mac
I’m still sitting on my LG V60 and dreading the day I have to lose my headphone jack and micro SD slot.
Telesync, maybe
Why screenshot when I can just right click and save?
TV shows, too
“cook well in a cold oven” at least makes sense in the context of the time. Ovens then were not supplied continuous heat - instead, they were fired up to a high heat, and then as it slowly cooled food was baked in them according to the current temperature. A cold or slow oven would be at the low end, and a hot or quick oven would be shortly after it was first heated.
Almost every meme template has been used to make alt-right nonsense, do we just abandon any symbol they pick up for their misdeeds? Or do we push back and refuse to allow them that kind of control over our culture?
I’m pretty sure Pepe was only temporarily coopted by the far rights, and has since been reclaimed.
The older you get, the more excited you get for socks as a present.
Perforce Helix, here I come!