If you are interested in foreign politics:
You had to get our former president and ruzzian asset to vote.
If you are interested in foreign politics:
You had to get our former president and ruzzian asset to vote.
I don’t know, I think a lot about waking up from nightmare is IRL equivalent of rage quiting a game but I don’t know
I still use this that way. One is group of instructors for something like Scouts, we plan trips and stuff like that but also lan parties and going to pub. There are loads of people using different DM services but all of us have email.
And we have family wishlist email where we send what we want for Christmas and birthdays, anyone can look it up and buy/make something.
It is nice app but the problem is it doesn’t show Czech hiking and cycling routes by default. I didn’t figured out how to enable them.
Thank drm for these issues and it is also a reason why this won’t be implemented any time soon.
It is useful when you try to troubleshoot some boot problem or some other issue when your PC freeze with wall of text.
But it is the only time it is acceptable (and this meme).
Look in to F-droid, I tried few games it is hit or miss some are really good and some meh.
AAAAXY, super retro mega wars, minetest, lots of puzzle games - just a few that I tried and were decent or really good.
As someone using maps only for cycling and walking. I mainly use mapy.cz, they work well in Czech but can be clunky in other parts of world but EU should be ok. They have incomplete car navigation, it is getting there more of my friends use it now.
Othervise I try OsmAnd+ and Organic maps (osm clients) and it is good but mapy.cz are better in most cases.
Both of them? They made game for each election.