He had a wife you know…
I love the delivery of that line.
Do you want to know what she was called?..
What’s so funny about Biggus Dickus?
The incantation is Sildenafil
If the spell lasts longer than four hours, you should call your exorcist.
That’s not in universe
Skelegrow in a reverse catheter, on the other hand…
Cockus Engorgio
Massive Deferens
It’s cockus engORgio, not engorgioh
There’s no way this isn’t a known spell somewhere within the wizarding world. Another example of the shitty education system found in the Harry Potter universe
Dongus Elongus
Same volume, just increased length but reduced girth.
It works for me, I can’t touch the bottom of a tuna can, but I can blow the sides out of it!
It’s e-lon-GUS, not e-LON-gus.
Phallus Maximus
The research must continue
Don’t forget fetus deletus.
These kids really need more supervision.
pharmaceutical engineering:
The dude on the left almost got the right spell:
Few master the snake tongue
They might have to try their hands at potions after consulting the handbook of the full pump prince.
JK Rowling discovered girls in Hogwarts experimenting with this and duly expelled them from the entire series.
Phallico Fortifico!
Expecto Cialis!
And the Hogwart’s after school Fallomancer Club was born.
(I said I was sad, not that I couldn’t still make jokes.)