That’s not as bad as the giant doll hand on the right. Is this a generated image?
It’s not, this pic is many years old, way before ai-generation became popular. My guess is it’s just shit photoshop by somebody who isn’t paid nearly enough to care
Id say it’s a pretty good photoshop because he genuinely looks like he’s holding the ice cream like that
Yes, the way his hand is positioned, it would not have worked if they had wanted to make it hold the wooden stick. They’d have needed to edit the hand too much and it would have likely been noticeable / even weirder.
Probably they decided: f*ck it, let them grab it however they want. Maybe it’ll even become a thing.
And it looks like it worked, since we are talking about it and spreading the ad. Smart advertising, imho.
I don’t know, I didn’t make this.
I love that you responded ☺️
fuck nestle
can we also talk about the length of the arms of the person in the back?
Finger-Lickin Good?
How the fuck else are you supposed to hold a Klondike Bar? This is not an end user issue. This is a engineering issue.
Do you not see the wooden handle to the right?
pirates only have one side working eye
I didn’t until I read this and looked at the blur again with a fresh new clue.