No way, you met json irl?
LMFAO! Perfect.
I guess the obvious one is “holding spacebar for control key”
Look, my setup works for me. Can you please just add an option to reenable spacebar heating?
Reference: xkcd #1172 - Workflow
Hover text: There are probably children out there holding down spacebar to stay warm in the winter! YOUR UPDATE MURDERS CHILDREN.
This is me. I will find a way to make it work, it will be janky, and any update is liable to throw the entire thing into disarray.
That’s horrifying
I typically don’t know what I’m doing, so my favorite binding is :q!
Not sure if this is obscure or not: I have F12 bound to cycle through the low- to high-contrast versions of my color scheme so I can keep working when the sun hits my shitty laptop screen.
this is definitely obscure
I was curious what the original said:
The original sucks ngl
Wow, I think we’re still ahead.
how is a vim joke better then the original lmao
The Jenkins is epic
I’ve mapped jk to escape because it’s rare and it’s separate fingers in home row, so it’s faster than e.g. jj.
I mapped kj instead. Can’t remember why, but I like it that way.
Unfortunately both of those are used in common English or computer words. The only letter pairs not used are: bq, bx, cf, cj, dx, fq, fx, fz, hx, jb, jc, jf, jg, jq, jv, jx, jz, kq, kz, mx, px, qc, qd, qg, qh, qj, qk, ql, qm, qn, qp, qq, qr, qt, qv, qx, qy, qz, sx, tx, vb, vc, vf, vj, vm, vq, vw, vx, wq, wx, xj, zx.
Personally I have mappings based on
, and press it twice to get a real newline.I guess I just don’t write “blackjack and hookers” often enough. Sigh, I’ll never make a good Redditor.
Funny, I’ve never actually had “kj” interrupt me in vim. Maybe once. It’s a funny way of realising I’ve never written certain words in vim!
All hail nano
I have
bound toggdG
(backslash being my leader key)Edit: Detail about leader. I’d add the proper binding but markdown’s being weird.
so you use 5 keystrokes to get out of typing 4.
Technically yes. However I figured it’d be a funny one to have in my vimrc.
Also capital G requires a shift press, so not sure how many keystrokes that counts as.
That’s some shitty, lossy compression.
Nah man, that is some crispy jpeg memes
I want to solve: What is .jpg?
M-x dunnet
And to think I was going to take an early night…
good meme
Well, you see, I spilled coffee on my mechanical keyboard, permanently breaking the 2/@ key, so I mapped it to pause/break…
I map caps lock to esc with setxkbmap. Much more fun ergonomically.
I use caps for switching languages instead of alt+shift or super+space.
Very efficient thing when you need to use your native language and some code in one text message or code block.
Where do you have that running? I set it in my i3 config and it never takes properly on my laptop. On my desktop I ended up just doing it in hardware because it was easier
It works great in i3config but in gnome I have problems with it.
Ctrl+a, Ctrl+c, alt-tab, Ctrl+z, enter.
“This is mine now.”
I have a Logitech G600 and have all those and more on the side buttons, lol.
Yeah that’s why I switched from VSCode to nano!