incompetent half-assing is rarely this morally righteous of an act too, since your one act of barely-competent-enough incompetence is transmuted into endless incompetence by becoming training data/qc feedback
incompetent half-assing is rarely this morally righteous of an act too, since your one act of barely-competent-enough incompetence is transmuted into endless incompetence by becoming training data/qc feedback
I roll my eyes every time somebody brags about sticking it to big Corp by messing up captchas.
Your data is discarded if its below an expected level. You’re causing exactly 0 inconvenience and wasting your own time unfortunately. There are much better ways to hurt google
I think you overestimate their competence my friend
That kind of data sanitization is just standard practice. You need some level of confidence on your data’s accuracy, and for anything normally distributed, throwing out obvious outliers is a safe assumption.