Stewie from family guy still sounds like a baby to me.
Vader sounded old in rogue one.
The Three Question Marks is a very famous radio play in Germany. Nowadays the original actors perform live on stage. With such nice additions of the narrator saying “he ruffled his thick curly hair” and the actor gently rubbing the bald actor’s head.
A while back I noticed that I was recognizing the same voice actor as Fie (from the Trails series of JRPGs) in a lot of other English adaptations of Japanese media – Morgana from P5, Aoi from Danganronpa, Operator 6O from Nier:Automata, Kyubey from Madoka, Ritsu from K-On, Taiga from Toradora, etc. – and looked up the voice actor. Cassandra Lee Morris is now 42 and has a kid. Life goes on, and that makes perfect sense, but it did kind of weird me out a bit to realize that someone knows her voice as “Mom”.
Yeah. The voice stays young if you take care of it and are healthy. You can be 60 and sound like 30.
One of the few that probably goes against this is Julie Kavner, voice of Marge Simpsons. You can tell how different she sounds after 35+ years of doing Marge, Patty and Selma. I think it’s one of the reasons Marge seems to have less lines in more recent episodes.