Got bombarded with hate when I said a solution to Nazis isnt to kill Nazis lol the left are just as unhinged as the right. Most Americans are mentally ill because they can’t afford to see a therapist.
maybe make them watch American History X or something
Hahahahahahaha okay now I’m convinced this must be a bit. Nothing like some ed Norton to cure racism. Why not make them watch 21 Jump Street, after all it cured Kanye of antisemitism
Someone was asking us yesterday why we hate liberals, this response right here encapsulates just about every reason we hate liberals
Oh I’m absolutely defending Nazis here, I’m glad your reading comprehension is on point. I’m sure because I had a different opinion than you, I’m a nazi, correct?
You’re doing the dumb liberal thing where you say you “oppose” fascism, but when the Nazis are at the door you’re yelling “oh no please don’t be mean to the Nazis!” because of some weird civility fetish
The person who assumes the nationality of their interlocutors, despite clear evidence to the contrary, and who assumes, despite all readily available evidence in linked articles, that Atomwaffen and The Base are purely-US phenomena is objecting to the fact that I assumed that they typed out a written comment.
You really don’t have any capacity for humility, do you?
Can’t get whiplash if your head is empty *taps forehead*
Well we’d hope the solution for Nazis is we only threaten to kill them first, before they get powerful enough to start organizing. And if they surrender and submit peacefully to re-education, maybe that’s ok in some rare instances
If they’re already organized I suggest cluster munitions or have them lined up against a nice brick wall
You’re talking about the Nazis which were the people that perpetrated the holocaust. We think it was good to use violence, you seem to think otherwise. What did you think should’ve been done to stop the holocaust?
You’re talking about the Nazis. Your post was about nazis, people are responding talking about nazis. The discussion is clearly about nazis, which comes as a result of you framing the discussion about nazis. If you didn’t want it to be about nazis, but I stead your perception that leftists label political opponents “nazi” as a way to otherize them and justify political violence, then you should’ve argued that point instead.
Do better, learn what words mean.
I love how you all hide behind whataboutism, you all have the exact same reaction which is absolutely hilarious to me. It’s all choreographed like a certain “group” y’all hate 😭
After taking some serious time to think, I agree with you. It’s just absurd that anyone can advocate for killing Nazis. The Soviet orcs should have stormed Auschwitz and hugged the guards and scientists and said, “I forgive you, comrade.” The monsters even made poor Adolf commit suicide instead of advocating for self care.
Got bombarded with hate when I said a solution to Nazis isnt to kill Nazis lol the left are just as unhinged as the right. Most Americans are mentally ill because they can’t afford to see a therapist.
deleted by creator
Not to line them all up against a wall and shoot them.
Maybe make them watch American history X or something, fuck do I know but a solution to hate isn’t more hate.
Hahahahahahaha okay now I’m convinced this must be a bit. Nothing like some ed Norton to cure racism. Why not make them watch 21 Jump Street, after all it cured Kanye of antisemitism
Someone was asking us yesterday why we hate liberals, this response right here encapsulates just about every reason we hate liberals
You hate liberals because you live in America and are mentally ill.
It’s because I can’t afford a therapist
I know… You’re American.
That’s a spicy holocaust trivialization
Started reading, got to the part where it mentioned Trump and America and exited out. Not everything revolves around you guys.
You not reading explains a lot
Yeah you usually get bombarded with hate when you announce you’re a nazi
How could I forget, anyone who has a different opinion or view than you is a Nazi, very good.
If you’re defending Nazis I have to wonder
Oh I’m absolutely defending Nazis here, I’m glad your reading comprehension is on point. I’m sure because I had a different opinion than you, I’m a nazi, correct?
You’re doing the dumb liberal thing where you say you “oppose” fascism, but when the Nazis are at the door you’re yelling “oh no please don’t be mean to the Nazis!” because of some weird civility fetish
I think history illustrates very clearly what happens when these people who are anti-fascist in rhetoric alone are pushed into action end up doing
What is this from?
German Social Democracy and the Rise of Nazism by Donna Harsch (Page 237)
Yeah we should have debated them during barbarossa. We should have had a civil discussion about human rights in Auschwitz.
Yeah because we are living in a time of concentration camps… and not the most peaceful, least racist time period of history… get lost lol
Are there not concentration camps on the US border? Does Australia not run concentration camps?
What is this “not living in the time of concentration camps” that you’re referring to and when did this era begin?
Sounds about America
Bro, did you get whiplash typing that comment out?
I use voice dictation so I didn’t type anything out
The person who assumes the nationality of their interlocutors, despite clear evidence to the contrary, and who assumes, despite all readily available evidence in linked articles, that Atomwaffen and The Base are purely-US phenomena is objecting to the fact that I assumed that they typed out a written comment.
You really don’t have any capacity for humility, do you?
Can’t get whiplash if your head is empty *taps forehead*
Well we’d hope the solution for Nazis is we only threaten to kill them first, before they get powerful enough to start organizing. And if they surrender and submit peacefully to re-education, maybe that’s ok in some rare instances
If they’re already organized I suggest cluster munitions or have them lined up against a nice brick wall
I can’t 😭😭😭 imagine that talk but about blacks or Jews hahaha y’all are unhinged
Should we have NOT invaded Nazi Germany and stopped the holocaust?
Was that a bad thing in your mind? Honestly confused . Killing Nazis was necessary.
Is there a holocaust going on right now?
You’re talking about the Nazis which were the people that perpetrated the holocaust. We think it was good to use violence, you seem to think otherwise. What did you think should’ve been done to stop the holocaust?
I’m talking about the people you call “nazis”, the Nazi party doesn’t exist
You’re talking about the Nazis. Your post was about nazis, people are responding talking about nazis. The discussion is clearly about nazis, which comes as a result of you framing the discussion about nazis. If you didn’t want it to be about nazis, but I stead your perception that leftists label political opponents “nazi” as a way to otherize them and justify political violence, then you should’ve argued that point instead.
Do better, learn what words mean.
And answer the question
Is that a threat?
Hahahahahahaha “uhh what if you replaced this one word with a completely different word? Not so smart now huh” lol you’re a joke
I love how you all hide behind whataboutism, you all have the exact same reaction which is absolutely hilarious to me. It’s all choreographed like a certain “group” y’all hate 😭
You literally cannot stop with the “see these two different things? They’re actually the same.” It all seems very choreographed 👀
How is it different to say a group of people who believe in a certain thing should all be exterminated, isn’t that what Nazis also want?
Nazis: kill people
The Allies in WWII: killed people
Ergo, the Allies were literally Nazis. QED 🤓🤓
You’re right, let’s round up all the “Nazis” and shoot them in the back of the head.
What is it that Nazis believe?
After taking some serious time to think, I agree with you. It’s just absurd that anyone can advocate for killing Nazis. The Soviet orcs should have stormed Auschwitz and hugged the guards and scientists and said, “I forgive you, comrade.” The monsters even made poor Adolf commit suicide instead of advocating for self care.
That’s exactly what I said, I’m glad you got it.
How could I miss it? You spelled it out for us