I use KDE Plasma, and much prefer the KDE color picker over the GTK one that Firefox uses, with input type=color
I know that I can set GTK_USE_PORTAL=1 to make Firefox use the native file picker, is there a way to make it use the native color picker as well?
I know there probably isn’t a way, but I figured it’s worth a shot asking.
It is using a system color picker. That’s the gtk color picker. You’d need to configure xdg-portal to utilize a different picker I’m pretty sure.
https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/XDG_Desktop_Portal might point you in the direction you’re looking for… Not 100% on this though… maybe switch from portal-gtk to portal-kde?
In about:config see if setting widget.use-xdg-desktop-portal to true does anything for you.
Hmm, it appears it already is set to true. Unfortunately that doesn’t seem to work.
If I recall correctly that enables the kde file picker at least
Entire Comment Section discussing the weird comment of @over_clox instead of OPs Question lmao.
Are you kidding me? You mean the KDE Color Picker is basically an exact rip of the Windows Color Picker?
Edit: Look up the screenshots, I’m not in the least bit joking. That’s an exact clone color picker to Win9X.
KDE couldn’t be even marginally original?
And…? So what, if a design works, a design works. This is a colour picker.
Isn’t the purpose of Linux to actually step away from Windows, not copy it practically verbatim from 1993?
No. The purpose of Linux is to provide a free and open source operating system, that can be customised by yourself and the community to your liking.
I like KDE’s colour picker. It seems I would like the Windows one as well. It’s a good design. Linux doesn’t exist to be contrary, it exists to be a customisable, open experience.