Bears should just enslave some other animals to produce milk for them. Simple.
Ants do that. I think they enslave aphids
They do! Well, at least certain species do. They groom the aphids to harvest a sweet excretion.
It’s a really neat relationship.
I mean, it’s not just any excretion. It’s a byproduct of sorts of the aphids digestive system.
From wikipedia on “Honeydew (secretion)”:
When their mouthpart penetrates the phloem, the sugary, high-pressure liquid is forced out of the anus of the aphid.
mouthpart penetrates the phloem
liquid is forced out of the anus
Sweet Jesus.
Sweet Jesus.
Yes, apparently it does taste very sweet.
I’ll see myself out.
I assume someone made porn of this.
Well, there’s at least video of ants getting the honeydew, so I guess if one’s kinky enough, it’s porn for ants.
Supermarkets aren’t selling human milk, though. It’s milk from an entirely different animal.
Get yourself a girl who lets you suck the milk from her tiddies, folks.
Nope. That shit ain’t pasteurized.
I only drink raw milk anyhow.
Why take the risk of getting a preventable disease?
Where I live raw milk is highly regulated. More than pretty much any other food. It’s extremely safe. I am sure on some places it’s a risk.
And it does in fact taste much better than pasteurized milk. Pasteurized milk to me probably tasted like what canned milk would taste like to you.
I’m not a big fan of animal agriculture, but I don’t get why milk is singled out, as if we don’t consume the dead bodies of animals, bodies that weren’t “meant for” anything other than sustaining itself.
And we’ve been doing it for thousands of years, selectively breeding and domesticating cows for the purpose. Humans drinking cow’s milk is more natural than carrots being orange.
I think that meat and dairy are both unethical, but other animals do eat meat. AFAIK, humans are the only animal that drinks milk outside of their species. (Or drinks milk as an adult, for that matter!)