No, you are not. these people must’ve masturbated, hence they’re sinful.
But you just created them. The whole of their lives they have been tied to that track the way a character is trapped in the holodeck. When have they had time to sin?
Even Jesus said imagining adultery is the same as committing it. They can still think, ergo they are worthy of punishment
So… Christianity has thought crimes?
Property is theft in the same way that religion is sin
Or they wore mixed fabric clothing, so they’re basically satan
Satin, you say?
ITT: A collectively poor understanding of Christian theology
Why did you assume “christian theology” ? I can think of many religion that fit the description
If you think Christianity fits this description then you have a poor understanding of Christianity.
I mean, the trolley obviously can’t fit under the bridge, so this seems like a mass murder/suicide scenario.
What if the trolley can shrink when going under the bridge
I’d like to propose a thought.
1.) God makes rules
2.) Following those rules is good
3.) Breaking those rules is evil
From the perspective of God the delineation between good and evil is a human perspective, not necessarily God’s.
A similar point of view would be if a person sets a rule for a child or maybe a pet. The person strictly enforces this rule, but openly breaks the rule because it does not apply to them. The child or pet meet feel that they are being treated unjustly and categorize breaking of the rules as being wrong. Making the child go to bed at bedtime or not allowing the pet to eat certain foods.
What many atheists do not understand is that human logic does not apply to God(s), just like the feelings of my dog wanting a slice of pizza do not apply to me.
Is God evil, probably, what is evil? What is good? Is God just? In application to others if you’re following Christian ideology he theoretically is in the long term, but in application to their self definitely not.
The biggest problem I have with Atheist logic is that if there is a god that it should follow human logic and because there is suffering and issues in the world there must be no god or that God isn’t worth following. If after life beliefs are correct do you think it matters if you took a moral high ground against an unfair god?
If you’re an atheist because you don’t believe there is a god then cool, but if you are an atheist because you think God should follow our rules idk what to say for you.
The same goes for religious people, you have to accept that God let’s bad things happen to you.
but if you are an atheist because you think God should follow our rules
You can’t be an Atheist if you believe a god exists that should follow our rules.
That is like the whole point of Atheism.
Evil is a dumb term. The word they are looking for is “responsible”.
It was already a fun thread, but this comment upps it a notch.