Whatcha all been playing? I’ve been playing a ton of Mario world ROM hacks, including some kaizo ones. Also started doing my oblivion playthrough again!
Oxygen not included. Today my cook Splug decided to take a nap in the toilet:
Then I dug to the asteroid’s molten core and dropped a ton of water in. It filled the whole base with high pressure steam and killed everybody.
I just got into act 3 of Balder’s gate and took a break because I don’t want the game to end. Instead, I have fallen back on my old favorite on the steam deck, Dave the Diver.
The great thing about Baldur’s Gate coming to an end is that there’s no reason you can’t just start it over again with a totally different type of character and play it entirely differently. I’m coming up on finishing the game a second time.
Townscaper. I find it so soothing to play because it has no expectations of me and no people. Just lots of lovely, inoffensive buildings that sometimes take unexpected forms. It’s been fun experimenting with different configurations to see if I can find any blocks I haven’t seen yet.
I’m also chipping away at my koi collection in Zen Koi. Another game that does not expect much of me and has no people in it. The Pro edition on Play Pass doesn’t have cooldowns or microtransactions either, so I can just swim around eating things and breeding new colours of fish.
Suffice to say, there’s a theme in the games I’m enjoying right now: “humans not welcome, just let me relax”.
I’m still making my way through Tears of the Kingdom. Just finished the water temple. I spent so much time aimlessly wandering so I’ve decided to push on and finish out some quests.
I also started Soul Hackers 2 and I love Ringo and her personality already.
I sprained my foot and had to stay in this weekend, so I got back to TOTK for the first time in like a month. I’m about 25hrs in and had a slightly different start? I did the Water Temple basically first, THEN got sidetracked, wandered around doing shrines and side quests.
Oh man, I would have really struggled with that boss at the water temple if it wasn’t for the high powered swords and bows I had from my wandering. I just couldn’t keep up with them haha
Ys 8: Lacrimosa of Dana on PS4. I’m really enjoying although, I think this game is a bit too long for an action RPG.
Modern Ys games, have a really satisfying and extremely fast paced combat system, and this is no exception. Story wise, though, it only gets interesting in the last third of the game.
I’m on the final chapter right now, looking forward finishing the game next week.
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Mad Max - Played for a couple days this week, taking down camps and gathering scrap, and I think I got it out of my system. For now.
Metro: Last Light - Finally got around to finishing the playthrough that I started a few weeks ago, plus ran through all the DLCs. I had a lot of fun with them, except for Heavy Squad and The Tower. Haven’t quite got the hang of those two yet. The Developer pack was pretty cool with the ‘museum’ and shooting range/arena. I liked the little challenges.
Diablo 3: Season 29 - Working on the conquests for this season. Completing one will finish the Destroyer chapter for me, but it’s taking a little time.I’m still working on my second run of Baldur’s Gate 3 with the Ghost Recon team in Act 3. The two big bads of the chapter before the final boss went down like chumps. For one of them, without spoilers (you know the one), I didn’t even need to stop the chant, because I just had so many actions with each member of my team. I’ve been playing less of BG3 now though, because I already did a pretty thorough run of Act 3 the first time around, as opposed to Acts 1 and 2 where I left a lot of content behind with my first character.
I beat 30XX. It’s very good. I don’t think it’s as good as 20XX. The upgrade system is significantly more complicated to understand for basically no discernible benefit. There was also one major problem with 20XX, which was that, as a roguelike, you could see the seams in the level generation and easily identify the same pieces of the levels way too quickly, as opposed to something like Streets of Rogue or Vagante where you could play for over a hundred hours before it feels like you’ve seen these exact levels too many times. 30XX did not address this problem. So in the end, it’s more 20XX, but it’s not better 20XX. It’s a shame, because I know the developers spent a lot of time trying to make this a substantial sequel, and the art style is improved at least, but this feels like a lateral move. Play it if you liked 20XX and wanted more.
I’ve also been playing Shadow Gambit: The Cursed Crew. Similar to that 30XX review, I think this is a step back from Mimimi’s predecessor games, Shadow Tactics and Desperados III. It’s still great; it’s just that those games did it better. I’m in Act 3 (of 3), and this game’s got ideas, but only some of them seem to work, and most of them feel like they’re worse than the more linear design of the other games. It’s also a bummer that this is Mimimi’s swan song, as the developer is dissolving after this. Play it if you liked their other games and wanted more.
Just started playing Space Engineers on Steam. That feeling of finally making a ship that can get into space with enough fuel to get to the next planet couldn’t be better.
Still playing Snowrunner! Just started exploring the second area of Michigan, SO CLOSE to unlocking off-road tires for my fleetstar
Factorio. Hardly anything is as fun as building my factory while listening to a good podcast.
Fallout 76!
I played through NFS Heat which was more enjoyable than I had expected especially since I got it during the hefty 90% off sale recently.
Now I got a bit nostalgic and installed divine divinity again.
Mostly Cities Skylines 2. The performance is not great, but it’s passable with the settings turned down and the actual city building is really good. Right now I’m working on a big expansion to my city further down the highway, just got the water/power lines run between them so it’s one big happy grid exporting the extra to other cities. Already looking forward to the things I’ll do differently in my second city!
Also playing some Super Mario Wonder on the side, which is fantastic. Great mix of easy fun levels and hard-as-nails secret special levels. Very fun!
Apex Legends. Picked it up again this week after months of playing other games. I’m having loads of fun with Rampart, but keep finishing third or second.
I’ve been play Theatrhythm Final Bar Line since beating Final Fantasy 16. Next I’m either playing Spider-Man Miles Morales or Stranger of Paradise.