Carry ons should be put in the overhead bin or tuck under your seat.
If you carry your baby onto the plane, be kind to your fellow passengers and put it in the bin.
Okay, I’m gonna bite the bullet and say it. This is disheartening. I’m not one to clutch pearls, but come on. Would you say this about anyone else? Dogs? Cats? Anything at all? Do you understand how fucked up it is? I just don’t get it. It was the same in Reddit, and it’s fucking same in here. Why do you hate children? You don’t wanna have them, that’s fine. Why would you say these things?
Maybe you’re joking. Even after assuming that you are, this is in poor taste and a fucked up thing to say.
U don’t hate children but what i hate is that one child with shitty parents will ruin the entire flight for everyone else.
As an owner of children
labor theory of value but it’s for kids: how hard you worked during sex = the value of the child
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Rothbard moment
How anybody flies without noise-canceling headphones these days is beyond me.
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They’re good at cancelling out deep grumbling noises but purposely let through high tones so users can hear fire / safety alarms ringing. Unfortunately baby’s screaming is more similar to the latter and cuts right through to your ears
It still takes the edge off… I have two little sirens myself.
Overpriced. And then you need them for every member of the family :)
And they also might not work well enough
Or just suck it up and be and adult instead of complaining about literal babies 24/7. Go back to r/childfree
Seems that everyone forgets they were kids once . I mean, we were not born adults and intolerant, right?..
One of the best things about moving here from the bad place was how their senseless, rabid hatred of young people didn’t carry over. It’s heartbreaking to see sentiments like this starting to spread.
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I definitely recommend revisiting this post about 12 hrs later. It’s kind of wild in here. Saw a comment with 19 upvotes referring to children as “cum pets.”
I don’t think I could bear it. Activism for the rights and freedoms of young people has been such a big part of my life for such a long time that that kind of anti-child attitude burns my soul.
Maybe it’s different in the USA, but I’ve travelled a lot and don’t think I ever remember a long haul flight without multiple babies and young children. It’s just a fact of travelling.
I recently did a 16hr flight solo and the other 3 seats in my row of 4 were parents and a toddler.
That’s just part of flying and you should plan for it (noise cancelling headphones, sleeping tablets, ear plugs).
kids crying/screaming on public transport/etc rarely bothers me. impatient parents hissing at them to shut up and sit down does, however… i get it, they’re tired, being a parent is hard, but still.
a kid cries on the tram? i keep reading, barely even notice
a parent goes off on their kid? rips me right out of the book and makes me take notice
European flights are full of kids. It’s just the “child free” movement are very vocal and feel extremely entitled.
Ugh, parents going somewhere long distance? Disgusting. You should be on house arrest until at least 18 months.
I’m gonna be unapologetically that person one day. Get into a tube full of stinky humans and complain that babies exist in the world. People need to get over themselves.
Yeah ok I’ll just fucking have my kids put down at the vet before I go on holiday! Get a fucking grip!
Were you forced to have kids at gunpoint?
Logical solution to this is to wait until your kid grows up a little bit and stops crying for no fucking reason. You can still travel with your toddler if you really want to, but use your own car. I don’t get the reason to take a kid this young, to travel with you, since he’s not going to remember anything anyway
I live in Norway. It’s my constitutional right to have 5 weeks of paid holiday a year (excluding public holidays) whether or not I have children. Driving isn’t viable as it would take several days just to get to a ferry that leaves Norway. Crying children are a part of flying, get used to it.
Doesn’t mean you have to fly somewhere for a simple holiday.
Yes I could drive a day and go camping in northern Scandinavia and get eaten alive by mosquitoes the size of sparrow hawks.
Could you? Then we can find that child a better parent.
Children* they enjoy their holidays in Spain.
Honestly? You should.
They should put soulless freaks like you down. Having empathy for literal babies is a basic requirement for a human being.
don’t go on holiday if you have cum pets. You chose that when you couldn’t keep it in your pants.
cum pets
One kind of people makes humanity not go extinct in the near future.
Eh, I’m mortal anyway. I don’t benefit from other people’s annoying offspring being around after I’m gone.
And they don’t benefit from your presence now, or in the future, or at any point actually.
You think you’re more deserving of a holiday just because you’re shooting blanks?
i stay quiet and read my book and don’t annoy the entire plane/train/bus.
You are annoying the entire forum right now. You are outsourcing your shittiness online because you are deeply unwell and need an outlet
Do you want a medal?
I don’t think hours of noise canceling headphones are a realistic solution for everyone, like people with autism or sensitive ears.
What we should have is a “children’s section” in the back of the plane. If your party only contains adults, then you can only book in the adult section until it’s filled, and same with parties that have kids. Parents don’t want to disrupt everyone, but imagine this on a longer bus or train ride!
When I bring my whole family somewhere I almost always book the farthest back on the plane I can. There doesn’t have to be specific sections… just people with common courtesy.
but one thing I’m noticing as a common theme in these threads is that there’s an innate blame on the children/parents. Kids oftentimes CANNOT pop their ears due to how narrow their Eustachian tubes are. There can be cases where the baby’s ears actually tear if the Eustachian tubes are blocked due to a cold or something of that nature.
The better answer is to just educate them in a friendly manner. If you do it tactfully then maybe junior will simmer down and everyone can move on without this passive aggressiveness we see in the photo. Giving the kid a bottle (if they’re that young) is often all that needs to happen to work the tubes open a little bit to relieve the pain.
Now… if you’re a parent… and have a colicky little one… skip the plane if you can. You know your kid. If they’re not going to take to the plane well, then you’re just being a dick to everyone around you.
Anecdotally my spouse and I know this; our kids are just extremely energetic. We aren’t simply uneducated on how ears work, and getting unsolicited tips from childless people while already busy with our kids is just another stressor.
Call me a dick if you want, but sometimes flying noisily is the only practical option. No we’re not going to drive cross country to grandma’s funeral.
Then maybe you shouldn’t go. It’s a funeral and they’re children. When my uncle died when I was young, my grandmother made me look at his dead body and it was terrible. I wish I had never gone to that fucking funeral. Nothing about it brought me any sort of closure and the only real memories I still have from going are purely negative.
Children have no place in funerals.
Repulsion at the thought of sharing space with the most vulnerable humans literally unable to communicate or control their emotions is a sign of a deeply sick society
Them being unable to control it doesnt make them less annoying.
Do some self-crit. Why do you feel that way and why has our society applauded that idea? Where did the idea of kids should be seen but not heard come from and why did our society so quickly adopt it? Why are kids seen as an inconvenience instead of learning to exist in society? What affect does this have on you and on kids you interact with?
Stop taking screaming babies on airplanes.
“Oh no. I live in Los Angeles and my kid’s beloved grandfather from Boston just died. But I have a newborn and they cry sometimes because they’re a newborn, and doesn’t want to hear babies being normal babies so I guess we’ll just have to miss the funeral.”
Yeah, sometimes we miss events. The priveledge of being a parent.
The idea that a person should have to skip their father’s funeral because they have a newborn is absolutely fucking bonkers. Public transport is for everyone that needs to be transported (or should be).
Privilege? Our society actively punishes and shames parents, what are you talking about
Everyone acting like they weren’t a kid themselves at some point in life. Get over yourself and stfu.
Give me one single person on this post that is “acting like they weren’t a kid themselves at some point in life”.
Just one.
Or are you fighting with ghosts?
Please don’t fly with your kids, especially babies, and if you do, please for the love of all that might be holy, don’t do it in business and first class!
don’t do it in business and first class!
Lol. If you’re wasting those sums of money to fly, I hope you do get noisy kids right next to you.
Here are some reasons for business class and first class:
- Certainly treated better by staff when flights are delayed or cancelled - They took excellent care of my wife and her food and lodging needs when her flight was disrupted by a volcanic eruption at her intended destination.
- The airline lounge - food, drinks and comfortable places to wait while stuck at airports
- More and heavier checked bag allowance - Super important if bringing things to family
- Laying down on long international flights to sleep
- Most importantly, if you are a person of colour or disabled, the staff treat you a hell of a lot better - Shouldn’t have to pay more to be treated like a human being, but on a lot of airlines, you do
So it’s not a waste, especially when my wife is flying alone 7600km, 10,500km, and even 11,700km as both a person of colour and a disabled person to deal with family tragedies. For you to want to screw with people for that… Yeah, don’t care for you.
Thanks for explaining to everybody why you deserve to be treated better than everyone else because you have more money.
I don’t. Paycheck to paycheck. Learn to use the tools of airline mile programs, credit cards with points, and airline mileage affiliate programs. Use your brain, not your money.
K I did all that and decided with my brain I’m gonna bring my kid too and I don’t give a shit if the rich assholes in first class complain even if they insist they’re “paycheck to paycheck” after airing a list of grievances about how they hate having to interact with plebs on an airplane.
I mean seriously you said in another post rich people own planes. If everybody who doesnt own a plane isn’t rich I’m gonna go ahead and say you’re completely out of touch.
Rich people deserve to suffer. Always fly first class with your kids and give them caffeine pills before the flight.
Damn I feel bad for the parents
They chose to bring the baby on the plane.
30 years ago, when I was a child, my father was in the US Army. Because of that, we relocated all over the country every two years or so. We did NOT have the choice of whether or not to bring my baby brother onto the plane we couldn’t even afford ourselves because the move was paid for by the Army. They say jump, you say “how high?”.
You don’t know every situation. And after 41 years of life, I don’t pretend to know what someone else’s situation is either. So I generally let dumb shit like this slide now. It’s not important enough to get worked up over.
Then it is up to the US army to prepare a plane. You and your brother can sit next to the soldiers.
That’s not how reassignments work if you have a family. You don’t travel with a pack of grunts. You do it as a family on a civilian airline like everyone else.
Spends hundreds of euros on a flight. Cant buy a noise cancelling heqdphone or earphone. I kinda assume a babys gonna cry when i fly because 200 people closed in an aluminium cylinder together isnt the most pleasant experience.
Noise cancelling headphones don’t work against babies. They are designed for cancelling ambient sound by playing frequencies to cancel out the noise, but can’t predict sudden noises like children crying very well. Earplugs or earbuds do a better job at drowning those out by plugging your ears from outside noises
This is correct. I’m baffled by the amount of people making false claims as to the efficacy of noise cancelling headphones. Why are so many people pulling that shit straight out of their ass?
Noise cancelling headphones use destructive interference. Essentially, they play sounds that are designed to bring high pressure to your ears when the sound they’re trying to cancel is bringing low pressure and vice versa, so the sum of air pressures adds up to something closer to a normal atmospheric pressure and the sound is quieter overall. In order to do that, it needs to be able to at least kind of guess what sounds will play when.
Cause they are entitled parents that think just because they can content with their own child, everyone else around them should too.
It is not like they are the ones using noise cancelling headphones in planes.
Hey dipshit. Why do you feel entitled to be in public when your redditor neckbeard stench permeates the entire area around you? Why do you feel entitled to be alive when the natural response to psychopaths like you who can not even muster some empathy for literal babies is to put you down?
This is one of those things I see people complain about everyone complaining. Like vegans or CrossFit people. I’ve met far more people complaining about complaints than actual incidents.
Most of us get it. It’s kids. I’ve seen obviously not emotional support animals brought in by asshats. Kids aren’t my concern.
Kids these days (Yes, I said that unironically) can’t be assed to deal with any amount of discomfort. They’ve had a childhood of screens put in front of them so they don’t have to deal with boredom and other shit that just ruins a person’s ability to operate in society.
Grow the fuck up and deal with it.
EDIT: So apparently people are reading this like I’m talking about the crying babies. I’m talking about the ridiculous, pseudo-child-free adults who can’t believe a baby might have trouble while flying and god forbid they should hear it cry.
FYI the younger ones are screaming because of pain from the inner ear air pressure changes that they don’t know how to prevent.
JFC are people really understanding my take as blaming the fucking babies? The whole “kids these days” was a tongue-in-cheek reference to the adults in the plane complaining about the babies.
nah, lad, people are most likely understanding exactly what ya meant and they’re downvoting because of that. also the ‘pseudo-childfree’ mention might also be bothersome to some, what with it suggesting said lifestyle might be just a phase and thus claiming to have the absolute truth and such things. pretty sure parents would downvote a childfree person for suggesting a pseudo-parent notion.
but I’m 2 ales and a barleywine in already, so YMMV
this thread is entertaining though, for what it’s worth. I just want to see the fuckcarspeople get involved here as well, 'cause it’s getting kind of repetitive
why isn’t there a fuckplanes community, I wonder? I mean they still use leaded fuel and are probably making us all stupider and more violent and stuff