Or when you follow the same car for a few turns and worry they are worried.
Works also on foot at night…
You must run really fast
I just drive really slow on sidewalks
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Typical advice: make 4 right turns
My advice: run a red light like it’s nothing 👌
(this is not legal advice, it’s literally illegal advice, but it is advice nonetheless)
Or just drive straight to a police station.
What sucks is when they quickly drive away after you pull-in. You’ll always kinda wonder
I thought I was being followed once, ended up making 2 laps around my neighborhood only for the red and blues to turn on behind me.
Pulled up under a streetlight in front of a neighbors house just in case. Turned out it was an unmarked cop car that pulled me over because I was “driving suspiciously” they didn’t like my explanation that they were “following suspiciously”
Still didn’t get shot, so that’s nice I guess. But fuck that cop, I had my wife in the car with me.
I think running a red light when someone is following you isn’t exactly the biggest issue.
I recently wound up “following” a car for about 30 miles right to their house. I got behind them on the freeway for around 25 miles, exited at the same exit, drove about 5 miles through town making all the same turns, drove by as they pulled into their driveway in a residential neighborhood, and then pulled into my own driveway two houses down. They were probably shitting bricks, and I even debated on whether I should just pull off onto a random street as we got closer and closer to my house, but I was tired and wanted to get home. Definitely a weird-ass but totally coincidental situation.
You know damn well they didn’t even notice, most people don’t even use their mirrors
You left out the part where you then broke into their house and left their bodies in a tub of acid.
Oh shit I said that out loud didn’t I?
Plot twist: You’ve been driving on the highway for the last 100 km
This kid pulled out in front of me on my way to my brother’s house. I followed him about 10 miles only for him to pull into my brother’s drive, he was there to buy my brother’s dirt bike.
If you are ever in Saint Louis, Missouri avoid the bad half and you’ll be fine.
It’s the opposite for me The amount of times I feel like I’m following someone is very frustrating lmao
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I have no f-ing clue who’s behind me… yeah, I’d make a terrible getaway driver.
I’d say terrible driver period.
Please use your mirrors and be aware of your surroundings, it’s an important part of safe driving.
My driving instructor back in the day would randomly block the main rearview mirror and ask what is the color of the car behind us. Or when we approached a crossing ask how many cars went through the crossing in the last couple of seconds. Looking ahead, behind and around as much as possible is important.
I use my mirrors all the time, I just don’t pay attention to them if I don’t need to. Like let’s say I don’t need ti change lanes… I basically don’t use them if I’m driving in the same lane.
My point is, I probably wouldn’t notice anyone following me unless we passed like 5, 6 lights.
welcome to mexico.