Bro I am a manager myself and I dont trust my Manager. These shitty corporate structure are the worst.
My manager is super nice and I know well that if it helps his career he would shank me in the bathrooms.
My bosses boss told me this. I stopped him right there and told him flat out I’m here for a check and that’s it. I don’t care about anyone here. They all could disappear tomorrow and i wouldn’t shed a tear. Didn’t like that comment very much 🤣
In the future I recommend lying
Oh i didn’t get in trouble for it as I didn’t break any rules. I speak my mind regardless who I’m talking to. When I’m at work i care about myself only and everyone else i run over with a bus if they interfere with me. Ezpz.
“Why aren’t I getting any promotions or raises?”
Our company is based off levels. So everyone makes the same pay at their respective levels. I’m already maxed out so I’m not getting any raises except for cost of living and the yearly. Sorry you work at a job where people rely on kissing asses and sucking dicks to get a pathetic raise.
You sound like a real joy to work with.
My job vs theirs 🤷. Do your job and I’ll do mine and we won’t have issues. Start drama with me and it’s game over.
My family sure is stingy with their money lately…