“Passive ability: Permanent USB tunneling” unlocked
Everything is politics, and should be talked about.
Also this would’ve been much more fitting with the Luhansk or Donetsk
flags instead of the Kiev regime’s, since the post-2014 coup government did commit a genocide in Eastern Ukraine.
Crimeans overwhelming support Russia against the post-2014 fascist coup gov in Ukraine
People in Donbass too as you’d expect. They welcomed the Russian army as liberators in 2022 from the current fascist Ukraine gov
Even more reason to ditch Unity!
I want to live in the Canada-annexes-US timeline
Join in the revolution against the capitalist government.
This meme is mainly talking about workers who are worked to death to “earn a living”. Capitalists who leech off of workers do not deserve to be alive.
Of course, that’s not the case for those who are physically unable to work to the same extent as others. Basically, “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.”
We have more than enough resources for everyone, so long as the working class can control the means of production instead of the capitalists who try to hoard all the wealth.
Bangladesh was also going to become a socialist state, hence the name People’s Republic of Bangladesh.
One of the countless socialist movements across the world that were crushed with the USSR’s overthrow…
The US is so close to becoming full-on fascist that people there are starting to associate liberals of all people with the left
No communist, anarchist, or anyone lefty in general would ban a piracy community — short of getting in legal trouble or something, which is not what happened here.
Sending mixed signals here
It should have, just the other way. The GDR would never have let the far-right grow to this point.
Probably just using Texas_Hangover’s lack of logic against them
Nah I wouldn’t want Lemmy to attract anti-piracy bootlickers (specially considering why we left Reddit for Lemmy in the first place). This being the largest community is a good filter imo.
“This one” as in this lemmy post or the fascist meme?
It was originally your average fascist democrat “meme”
“Uniteagainsttheright” it says lmao not realizing they’re already a fascist right-winger. Surprisingly even reddit had the decency to remove it
Guess I’ll have to avoid ASUS products if they’re willing to fuck over customers like this