How is disco Elysium leftist? Didnt play it, so honestly asking
It’s very leftist; the dialogue is full of political speak with honest critiques of different ideologies. The story itself is set in Revachol, a place where a communist revolution was crushed by the Coalition (a foreign capitalist military alliance of the most powerful countries and somewhat of a stand-in for NATO), similar to what happened to Libya and the USSR.
The game centers around you (a cop) trying to solve a murder mystery that has something to do with the local Dockworkers’ Union striking for overtime pay, workplace democracy etc from a megacorporation.
Alot of the creators are also communists, as you can see from one of the (ex) writers for the game recently saying that the workplace culture after the recent lay-offs of alot of the writers was like “transitioning from the Soviet Union to the fascist Russian Federation”
How’s that different from call of duty being a capitalist mouthpiece
Because the quality of Disco Elysium comes from it feeling like a piece if art that stays with you, it is absolutely written by left leaning writers but it’s mature and elegant in it’s storytelling tbaf happens to revolve around those ideologies.
Call of duty is a for-profit propaganda tool of the US government that is rimarily a multiplayer arena shooter designed to optimise profits due to gaming addictions while passively normalising American world police imperialism.
Apologies for any typos I wrote this while drunk.
who here said anything about call of duty?
edit: in case you were genuinely asking in good faith, it’s different because disco elysium is not a capitalist mouthpiece
It’s just weird that people call games political as if it’s unusual in the first place, and what’sa bad thing.
The original reply to you wasn’t negative about it being leftist/Political I don’t think
It is.
what happened in Libya
NATO only got involved in Libya after the civil war was in full swing and Gaddafi’s regime had been commiting crimes against humanity vs the civilian population where people were showing support for not his regime.
And NATO only went in with the authorization of the UN Security Council, and the left when the Security Council told them to (against the wishes of the newly formed government after the death of Gaddafi)
NATO only got involved in Libya after the civil war was in full swing
“The country was already in a terrible state after we funded countless insurgencies in it since forcing them to give up self-defence programs. We just went in and finished the job.”
Libya had gone from one of the poorest countries in the world to having the highest human development index of any country in Africa by 2010 under the Socialist government, and became a powerful anti-capitalist force in Africa. The US and UK forced Libya to give up their nuclear weapons program in 2003 and used the resulting lack of a deterrent to fund insugencies in the country, then used that as a casus belli to invade and destroy it in 2011.
Come on, we’ve seen this play out time and time again with the US and its allies (or the Imperial core in general). Be it the wars in Vietnam, Cuba, Afganistan or the countless coup’s against leftist governments in Africa and Latin America. Every single time saying that their governments are bad or something as an excuse to invade and destroy a threat to imperialism, as if them waging wars and killing people on the other side of the world is supposed to improve something.
We’re literally watching this happen in Palestine right now with the US-backed “israel” forcing Palestinians to use armed resistance against their oppressors, then using that as a casus belli by calling it “terrorism” to invade and commit the ongoing genocide.
It’s a highly political game in general, and it’s pretty obvious the critiques of communism were written by insiders.
It’s also the best illustration of the complexities of investigative police work I’ve ever seen in a computer game.
It’s also a lot of dialogue. But the voice acting is superb.
Themes and dialogue? It pretty clearly favors the more anti-authoritarian forms of socialism while heavily criticizing communism and fascism. The ultra-liberals come off the best of the lot but it’s also made clear that they offer no solutions to the problems the city has and capital will always call the shots at the expense of workers.
Also, on a meta level, the creators got screwed over by capitalists because that’s just what a scorpion will do if you give it a ride across a river.
I also liked that it doesn’t say that all followers of an ideology are good or bad people. A lot of media that tries to tackle ideologies just make everyone in the general direction of an opposing ideology horrible people. In Disco Elysium is not as black and white. There are good and bad people in every broad ideology. Are you a bad person, just because you believe in capitalism? No. Are you a good person, just because you believe in communism? Also no. Disco Elysium is very nuanced while making it’s cases.
There was a good Royalist? I’m guessing you mean Rene, because it sure wasn’t Gary the Cryptofascist or Measurehead or the Racist Lorry Driver. Imo the only thing that stopped Rene from becoming someone like Dros were his relationships with Gaston and Evrart. If he had been “alone” the way Dros was then the investigation may have gone quite differently
It’s very reminiscent of the Paris commune, where Parisian pre-marxist socialists were killed almost to the last by the french army after they’d built a short-lived commune. It was basically the end of the Proudhonist idea of socialism (no gods, no masters), which provided space for Marxism to take over in France and particularly in Paris.
Also, on a meta level, the creators got screwed over by capitalists because that’s just what a scorpion will do if you give it a ride across a river.
Or maybe they were really good at coming up with stuff, but really bad at managing projects. And when the organization grew to more than a few people they couldn’t handle it anymore and couldn’t deliver on what they had committed to.
Everyone has a story in this particular screw up, and while I really would like the moral to be “capitalism bad/creatives good”, it sounds like your average SME implosion.
“Hey, all the creators keep saying this went down, but I do love the taste of corpro cock, so I’m just going to make up my own version.”
It’s been pretty widely documented from all sides. You might want to widen your reading habits if you think it’s cut and dried.
It’s very much not.
Also “taste corpro cock”? Are you twelve? Isn’t it past your bed time?
Widely documented that all the creatives blame a corporate takeover, yeah, bootlicker.
Not all. Just three. Actually, two. And one of them has mellowed quite a lot in the last year or so. So just one.
Out of the tens of people that were involved with that game.
You are coming at this from a place of prejudice. Just listen.
I did listen, and said “Hey, this useful idiot is lying!”
It pretty clearly favors the more anti-authoritarian forms of socialism while heavily criticizing communism and fascism
I hate to break it to you but communism is stateless. If you have a state, it’s not communism, it’s socialism. All communism is necessarily anarchist.
It most likely isn’t socialism either. However it could have a communist economic system, it is just very likely to be massively corrupt.
If you are planning on getting into this game, just don’t pay for it. I’m not saying don’t play it, just don’t pay for it. The original devs were all stolen from and pushed out of their organization (ZA/UM).
Got a link for the story? Sounds like something I want to read in depth. I have bought DE on my GOG account but have yet to play it
Gross ass reddit link, but seems to explain it well enough:
Tl;DR: Group of friends made a RPG setting & book, and then decided they wanted to turn it into a game. All with heavy anti-capitalist, leftist themes. But they needed money to make game, so they brought in some investors who later fucked them over and forced the original creators out so they could make even more money.
Great game, don’t buy it.
Original devs won’t get any of the money cause they got pushed out. Pirate it instead like me
In a way it’s kinda poetic that Disco Elysium was destroyed by corporate greed. That being said, it’s a great shame that the original creators were robbed of the beautiful world they created. Fuck ZA/UM.
A couple of the original writers were pushed out, including the lead writer, early on. The rest of the original writers were fired just recently. I don’t know how many of the original developers of Disco are still left at the company, but they were already paid for their work on the game. Regardless of who owns it, they weren’t going to see extra money (unless the firm has become a co-op, which it should have always been).
That’s like you buying a car and when you try to sell it the next person tells you they won’t pay anything for it, in fact they are going to straight up steal it like some criminal.
Go play Metal Gear Rising Revengeance. You get to use a ninja sword to turn fascists into human confetti. Also the final boss is a US senator who wants to make America great again.
One of my favorite games once I learned how to block reliably. Anyone playing this for the first time: go find a video tutorial on how to block because the game does a bad job explaining this. Otherwise it’s absolutely brilliant.
It’s a game with zero political subtlety and that’s what makes it awesome.
Most of the bad guys are non-americans who’ve been turned body and soul into bloodthirsty weapons by the American war machine.
Huh, according to the word counts on kobo, the 3 volumes of Marx’s Capital combined also has just over 1 million words. Interesting.
Shame the company and creator was destroyed by exactly what they criticized, People Make Games should feel bad for having done that stupid vídeo.
I have never felt so seen by a piece of media as I did when I got the solution to this thought
Genuinely a brilliant and moving game. Kim Kitsuragi is also my most loved character I’ve ever encountered in any media and it’s not even close.
That game is a work of art, everyone should play it at least once.
I don’t know why, but I really didn’t enjoy it. I like pretty much every single critically acclaimed game there is, but Disco Elysium bored the hell out of me. It was basically a visual novel with this clunky split personality disorder thing going on. The humour was pretty “so THAT just happened” which explains why it got so popular with Redditors.
Idk, I played it until I got to some group of union workers arguing on some big wall before I just couldn’t stomach any more.
Ig you probably wouldn’t enjoy it as much if you’re not familiar with political speak.
My favourite part of the game was the worldbuilding and history. Enhanced by the amazing artwork and voice acting.
Yeah but its great! Best
bookgame ive ever read!I love the implication that reading books is bad
That’ll make your brain wrinkle, wrinkles ain’t beautiful duh /s
This reminds me, I keep searching for the short story written by one of the creators set in the same universe. The only source I can find for an English copy of it is from a shady download link that my antivirus program doesn’t want me to open. Does anyone know where I can get a copy?
Man I really want to play disco but I really don’t want to pirate it either. Everyone’s always saying dont pay for it so I havent but is keeping 10$ out of a publishers hands and holding off on experiencing an awesome game just to ‘own the corpos’ really worth it? feels dumber every year I hold off on it.
If you want to pay for it and can afford to do so, buy it and pay for it. Otherwise, pirate it and pay for it when you can afford to do so. Easy peasy. Publisher gets paid in either case.
I think the point is: this publisher in particular is a piece of shit. Pushed out the original creators and stole the IP effectively.
Oh whoops I didn’t know. Yeah then just pirate that shit.
And then donate to the devs directly?
Yeah, it would be nice if they are accepting donations.
Downloading it for free now on PS5 to try and understand the meme…