There are actually 0 OSHA incidents every year, but Workplace Incident Georg has 10,000 workplace incidents each day and is an outlier and shouldn’t be counted.
There are actually 0 OSHA incidents every year, but Workplace Incident Georg has 10,000 workplace incidents each day and is an outlier and shouldn’t be counted.
I’m so lucky to be born in '98 and just dodged the great aging.
Funnily enough The Witcher 3 is one of the games I always think of for the trope of not following the plot. Often I think of the ludonarrative dissonance specifically between Gestalt’s paternal drive to find and protect Ciri Vs Gwent.
For large scale, AAA open world games, I mostly think of Breath of the Wild, which transparently sets itself up as being about taking as long as you need to get strong enough to save the world and Red Dead Redemption 2, which doesn’t care about the stakes of the world.
I sometimes can’t wrap my head around the fact that Witcher 3, BotW and RDR2 were each two years apart. I don’t feel any open world game has occupied the cultural space those games did since.
This gave me flashbacks to being on Reddit with the cult of Keanu Reeves. I respect the man but if he’s shown too much love puts him in a situation where anything he does will be scrutinised.
The world has been giving them nothing but praise for like 5-6 years now, I think that’s all.
I don’t even think the back legs look too weird. One of the things I’ve found when trying to spot AI is that often actual images look weird like this just because of the angle / compression etc.
Indie also covers an enormous financial area. People generally group games into AAA, Some nebulous middle ground games that are generally produced by the major studios but aren’t AAA and Indie.
There is a difference between indie games that sell millions of copies vs dozens and this lack of discrepancy makes this complex. I once pirated a game called infernium after seeing a friend play it on switch, then learnt that it’s an absolutely tiny game by a solo developer. I happened to adore the level design and lore of that game so much that I bought it on steam and then bought all of his other games too just to support him.
On the flipside, we refer to a game like Hades as indie. I love supergiant games and have purchased all their titles but I would have felt zero remorse at pirating Hades.
Maybe the only thing that I feel is sad in all of this is that the massive AAA games takes years to be cracked nowadays, which means only indie games are pirateable. I don’t like the unfair dichotomy this creates. There are probably a reasonable amount of people who pirate indie games and buy AAA games for this reason, and that’s bad for industry.
I think the compression has made the lighting feel unnaturally soft. It reminds me of shitty HDR or mid 2010s video game cutscene.
What do you mean? Genuine question, I’m loosely familiar with the the issues with Discord having it’s growing issues with data and advertising but I assumed Nitro was the worst element.
Oh no, I hate this art and design style:(
Yeah I absolutely do not miss snagging my headphone cable on every door or drawer handle in a 1 mine radius. Also I think I used to go through 3-4 sets of headphones a year by wearing out the cable, spending the last few weeks precariously holding the cable 24/7 to enjoy the music.
Wireless does have it’s issues but I’m on my 2nd wireless pair, both bought in the £30 region and it’s probably been 5+ years since I used wired now. Battery hasn’t been an issue really, and although I lost one headphone on my previous wireless set, I can live with it.
I absolutely support the want for a headphone jack so people can choose wired, but I’d still choose wireless.
I made them all up except Pitbull who definitely is not this kind of artist it’s all good. I’m the same as you I’ve not heard of any so I was recreating the feeling I had reading the first comment.
Peter musicey? The big zoop band? Mooose? Spider-Man 2? Donny and the fridge raiders? Pitbull? Shani Block? I can’t believe you haven’t heard of these guys.
The photo is absolutely true. Not just are there several AI artifacts but her face in the photo is identical to a photo from a photoshoot that came from vogue, meaning it’s very likely that she wasn’t at this photoshoot at all.
Honestly, particularly as someone who only married into the royal family, my heart goes out to her for whatever is going on. It’s clear that since that operation she’s been out of the public eye, whether she’s just recovering, in a coma or as some believe dead, it’s still sad.
What I don’t understand is the cover up and mystery, particularly when it comes to the wife of the future king after the massive amounts of drama and conspiracy around Diana.
Some people have mentioned that some people with foot fetishes have a habit of trying to get people they find attractive to talk about their feet which makes everyone uncomfortable, to the point that it’s kinda of the main reason I think a stigma has formed against it.
If I met someone who for some reason I suspected was into feet, I’d be a little wary until I felt they weren’t gonna be weird about people’s feet, but I think if i met a knee fetish person, I’d be so surprised they exist that i wouldn’t think about this aspect even though it’s just as likely.
I think Spiderman is a decent example of not being comically ripped but I always believe he’s as strong as he’s depicted due to his powers.
I was weirdly forgiving of Fallout 76 (never played it, I’m not too hot for multiplayer games) because it was made so soon after fallout 4. It always felt like one of those DLC that got so large that it got released as a standalone game, which practically any large game studio has done and Bethesda did with Arcane’s Dishonored 2 and Death of the Outsider.
A huge soft spot I have for the elder scrolls comes from the heroic fantasy exploration with enormous orchestral music and adventure in every direction, something people say about Starfield is that it’s large and sparse, which is accurate for a grounded space game but goes against what makes half of Bethesda games fun. Fallout falls in the middle of the pack being far more pulpy than Starfield and in 4, I feel this was a large issue with it feeling bland; it’s pulpy wackiness was toned down when it should have gone up.
I don’t expect Bethesda to give me the video game equivalent of game of thrones but I do expect the Saturday morning cartoon that I’m equally fond of, and they still hold all the ingredients to make that recipe. Unfortunately Starfield was always tonally wrong for that, but ES6 is perfect for it.
Don’t get me wrong, I’ll still only buy ES6 a year or so after release, maybe 2-3 if it’s really crap, but I think a fair few of the ways that they’ve deviated from the working formula post Skyrim may not be an issue here.
Because the quality of Disco Elysium comes from it feeling like a piece if art that stays with you, it is absolutely written by left leaning writers but it’s mature and elegant in it’s storytelling tbaf happens to revolve around those ideologies.
Call of duty is a for-profit propaganda tool of the US government that is rimarily a multiplayer arena shooter designed to optimise profits due to gaming addictions while passively normalising American world police imperialism.
Apologies for any typos I wrote this while drunk.
God I wish my wish waiter wore a mesh shirt, where the hell is this?
One thing I did notice a while back, was seeing the 2022ish interface for YouTube and Google search and feeling how dated it was, still absolutely usable mind you, just clearly with a design ethos from an older era.
Most the time, I feel that changes Google make are absolutely arbitrary, rounding a button and then squaring it again, but I need to give them credit that there is something more, something about staying at the forefront of GUIs. It’s still all bullshit of course, the old one looks older but is identically useful.