Makes me think of Tom Scott, you could probably make a movie out of him and that red shirt (or grey jacket)
All you need is a red shirt, a grey hoodie, a windswept location, and some nearby transportation project. Preferrably a defunct or about-to-be-closed transportation project.
That said, there’s a Tom-shaped hole in my youtube recommendations these days.
This looks AI generated.
“I am inside of a Generative AI algorithm”
Can’t say for Tobey, but apparently Daniel Radcliffe did deliberately do something very similar to stymie paparazzi.
edit: Spelling.
It was pretty genius. No one wants to see 50 pics of the same person looking exactly the same.
Ricky Gervais was the first person I heard of who did that. Always wearing a black t shirt.
steve jobs?
julius caesar.
Adam and leaf.
Delivery? DiGiorno.
I love it how you made the whole quote into a link.
Too bad I’m not a celebrity, because my shirts now don’t just look like my shirts from twenty years ago, they are my shirts from twenty years ago.
Sounds to me like you’re halfway to celebrity status already!
I regularly wear a Pink Floyd shirt I’ve had for 20 years. Only now I apparently support the lgb community with it because it has a prism rainbow. Lol
Person: You trans?
Me: ???
I have a T-shirt from a museum I haven’t been to in a while that has a couple of holes worn into it so I’ve made that my excuse that we have to return to that museum this summer
What, these are generated pics and its not a very convincing Toby?
They’re not generated, it’s just jpeg compression
There’s some uncannyness in face element position and orientations.
I think the compression has made the lighting feel unnaturally soft. It reminds me of shitty HDR or mid 2010s video game cutscene.
in the next photo, his head starts spinning parallel to the camera
can’t put my finger on it
This is definitely AI. And kinda old AI at that. The backgrounds are nondescript, the facial hair is ambiguous, the face looks like one of those “upload a photo to see it realistically move with the magic of AI”, the shirt looks airbrushed and ambiguous, he has dark eyes instead of very blue eyes like in real life, and if you try to look up pictures of any interviews of him in those particular years, he usually has facial hair and a button down, sometimes with a jacket.
Compare the upper right and lower left picture on this post with this similar meme. Film grain is missing (possibly due to AI “beauty filters”?) and how the upper right image, his eyes are way more blue. I think the original meme creator probably wanted to make it look like all 4 pictures were the same gray shirt rather than 4 different gray shirts since the bottom left shirt in the picture I posted is heathered gray instead of flat gray.
I don’t think it’s pure ai I think it’s really shitty ai upscaling
Bro this is 100% AI lol.
Yep definitely AI. I’m both surprised and horrified that only like 1 other person here realized it’s AI. We’re so fucked…
A lot of people talk about decision fatigue in their jobs. So it’s a gift of self care to buy 10 of the same shirt, eat the same lunch every day, etc
I bought twelve navy t-shirts a few years ago, it’s working out well so far.
deleted by creator
It’s his lucky interview shirt!
In highschool, I just had 7 sets of the same exact outfit. Literally dressed like a cartoon character so that I would always be recognized, because you’d only ever see me in the same thing every day.
Byron? Is that you???
Some real relatable high school insecurity right there. I definitely had a few months as “funny tshirt guy” and a few months as “no logo dark color shirt guy.”
zuck say hello
*responds with Scarlett Johansens voice
The fact that barely anyone here realized that this is AI is extremely concerning. We are so fucked…
I saw one person comment about it, but I still couldn’t tell… It just looks like a few pictures taken at different times, with different angles and lighting.
What’s the tell for you?
(I’m also on mobile, so maybe I should check on a bigger screen)
Skin is too clean. Just looks “off.” It was like the first thing i literally immediately noticed. The faces look extremely odd. Like CGI almost.
It doesn’t look like Tobey, but an amalgamation of all of the images from 2002 OF Tobey, if that makes sense?
Maybe the 2007 one looks off to me. It’s still hard to tell.
Ugh, we are so screwed.
We are so fucked lol. If we’re even debating whether it’s AI then we’re fucked. How do you know what’s real anymore? We cannot trust literally any photographs or audio recordings now. Thx OpenAI you stupid greedy fucks.
I think it was inevitable. If not them, it would’ve been someone else. I just don’t know what we’re realistically supposed to do about it other than not trust literally anything we see or read.
Like, chat bots already exist and are getting more convincing, but we’re still not at the point that you and I are wondering if the other is real. That’s coming too…
Yea i agree. It’s also a failure of our useless government to put regulations in place. I’m not sure what to do either. I’m very concerned for half the labor force being laid off overnight in favor of AI as well. Especially white collar jobs.
You just find something that works and you stick with it.
Every time I see his face it’s like a cross between Jim Parsons and Marshall Mathers.
Someone has never talked to an actual girl.
Strange way to call yourself out, but you do you.
You know, it’s pretty hard to be a girl without ever meeting a girl.