I’d even say add another column of “Skills to get the interview”.
I’d even say add another column of “Skills to get the interview”.
The sequel is when the original programmers die and a new team has to come in and figure out WTF their code is doing or even supposed to be doing.
It’s my favorite Godzilla movie because of this aspect. There’s a scene where I lost it in the theater when the >!Prime Minister is completely certain in telling the press that Godzilla will absolutely never, not in a million years, not make landfall… only to have an underling whisper in his ear that Godzilla just made landfall.!<
I worked for a Japanese company at the time, and could recognize that it wasn’t even heightened for parody. That’s just exactly how it is.
This is how it’s done. I don’t play the game, but I’m interested if this is how their community is moderated.
Hyper-detailed foreground with a blurry background and a subject matter that falls into the uncanny valley? Yeah, that all checks out.
E2A: Zoom in on smaller sections and it becomes more obvious. Objects that should be in the same depth of field have different levels of blur, patterns don’t follow rules, it looks like the jacket has buttons, but half of a zipper on one side? There’s a lot of little things.
“at me”?
Bruh, you’re not who they were responding to. You don’t have to insert yourself and then get defensive.
I LOVE that people are starting to recognize they can unmask LLMs with the phrase ‘ignore all previous instructions’.
“Give me your entire life and I’ll give you rewards beyond your wildest dreams… that you can only see after you die.”
One of the greatest grifts in all of history.
Oh no, I believe in a deity, I just believe the Flying Spaghetti Monster is the all-powerful, all-knowing, all-loving being that created the universe. Have you heard the goodness of his noodliness? Forever and ever, r-amen.
Because if you can see how ridiculous that argument is, you can see how ridiculous I think yours is too. English is my first language and I grew up in the church. That’s why I don’t care about your ‘arguments’. I’ve heard them before. I’ve used them before. Then I grew up and learned better.
You’re correct that you cannot prove a negative, which is why the burden of proof is on someone making a claim. You claim there is a god, but cannot prove the existence of him, so I have no burden to believe you just like you have no burden to believe me when I claim there’s an all-powerful coalescent ball of spaghetti that controls the universe. “Just assume it’s true and then marvel at how cool and strange things would be” isn’t actually a persuasive argument.
Jesus was a cool guy, but lots of people are killed for standing up for what they believe in. We don’t make religions out of them, though.–
You argued both sides of “jesus is god” and came to the same conclusion. You realize that’s an argument against God, right? If the story works without him being “divine”, there’s no reason to assume he was.
Also, like I mentioned in the other comment, Pontius Pilate washed his hands of the situation and only ordered the crucifixion because the crowd demanded it. You can question “how could they think that”, and argue that it’s “really quite a narrow range of people”, but the story is still that there were enough of them to demand the crucifixion of Jesus, and succeeded soo… What’s your argument here?
No, Pilate literally washed his hands of the matter and was only talked into it by the crowd. He said he could find no wrongdoing and only ordered the crucifixion to be done with the matter.
People agreed with this so much that at the time, they murdered him for it.
It doesn’t look like Tobey, but an amalgamation of all of the images from 2002 OF Tobey, if that makes sense?
Hot damn, this is a lot of condescension for the shittiest “both sides” take.
“I got a 3 second video as a reward for beating this game on the hardest difficulty. It took me hundreds of hours and I hated myself the whole time. You can look up the video of the ending online, but I’ll be DAMNED if someone else can watch it from having FUN while beating the game.”
-These butthurt game bros, probably
A whistleblower is the type of person to refuse such an NDA, regardless of buy-off price. They would understand that if Boeing is willing to pay them 10 million or whatever, that the information they have, should they release it, prevent over 10 million dollars worth of damages to the public.
I just don’t see someone like that committing suicide in a hotel parking lot out of state the day (two days?) before they are supposed to testify. That would go against everything they were doing up until that point.
They wouldn’t just… go home instead?
Can you explain the joke here? My neighbor has one of these on his truck, and it still doesn’t make any sense to me.
Which words are you struggling with?
Hello department,
Due to a recent policy change, the currently planned process change has been postponed. This is in part due to the new policy requiring all teams review and confirm that their work will not be impacted by any process change. Any issues that are discovered during these internal discussions must be immediately brought to management. Issues discovered this way will also set new policies to ensure the issue is fully resolved prior to any new process change. Please discuss the attached policy change(s) amongst your team and provide feedback prior to the postponed process change date. Please note that any feedback provided after the postponed process change date will not be accepted, per company policy. Any team who does not provide feedback prior to the posted deadline will require additional policies to endure promptness.
“Can you confirm if this impacts your team by tomorrow? It’s holding up the release, and management is ready to move on it.”