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One of these things is not like the others
Fr anime is never ok
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Well that escalated quickly
the guy who was mostly just into anime tiddies
You mean he was into world news? 😛
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That poor retired podiatrist keeps getting called a creep for trying to talk about foot health…
He’s got his retired gynecologist friend to commiserate with.
Here I just wanted to talk shoes and recommend some decent merino wool socks.
For real tho, my job has me on my feet for the entirety of my shift - I found an awesome insole that makes the day so much less painful, and I 100% pitch that shit to my coworkers when it comes up, cuz foot pain sucks.
…now this thread has me worried that I’ve been pinned as ‘that guy’ lol.
I’m both of these people. I like foots. But also, I have terrible foot pain due to high arches, and have had mostly jobs where I’m on my feet for hours. I will talk insoles and inserts whenever possible, as a way of helping people with foot pain. What I do not do is have any interest in talking foot stuff as a kink/fetish. Kink and fetish are reserved for consensual bedroom (or camping) times. There’s no connection between the foot pain convos and the foot kink whenever that happens. People who try to stealth their way into nonconsensually getting people to play into their kink are creepy, and not good people.
You probably won’t have very much luck with over the counter inserts, the vast majority are built to treat people with flat feet who over pronate. Conversely people with high arches tend to supinate, aka carry too much weight on the outside of the foot.
So most otc inserts will actually make foot pain from higher arches worse, especially if it’s hind foot pain. For my patients with higher arches who lack coverage for custom inserts, I will typically fit them with a pair of Arch Rival from a company called Don Joy, you can usually find them online or Amazon.
They are pretty decent out of the box at treating cavus arches. However, if someone is having significant ankle pain, I will typically modify it with a small amount of lateral heel wedging.
Up until a few ago I was getting my inserts from a local place, you put them in hot water and then stand on them for a couple minutes until they cool and harden.
Then I got insurance that covered them. The difference it makes is insane. I lost that insurance 2 years ago, and I’ve been alternating the 3 pair trying to get them to last as long as possible. At this point there’s not much left of them, but they’re all I’ve got. It’s 200 bucks for my next set (3 pair), and I’m gonna have to figure that out soon.
If the new ones are just heat moldable inserts aswell, you can probably find them online for cheaper.
I don’t tend to utilize heat moldable inserts very often, but they generally only cost around $15-20 a pair from most distributors. The mark up on anything foot care related is pretty insane if you’re going to a brick and mortar.
If the new ones are really custom, where they took an impression of your foot with a scanner, plaster tape, or casting box, then 200 for 3 pairs is a really good deal.
i want your recommendations
Unfortunately, the ones I’m a fan of have been discontinued. It was the Enduro-Sole by Columbia. I lived near a Columbia clearance store when they got axed, and they had a TON of them for super cheap, so I stocked up.
…and I’m almost out. Q_Q
What made them good is that they’re made of a rubbery material that gets soft when it’s super hot, so the first thing you’d do when you crack a new pair open is put them in the oven and bake them at like 250* for a few minutes. Take them out, quickly put them in your shoes, step in, and just walk a bit until they cool.
It was hot enough to be uncomfortable, but not so much that you’d actually get burned. Kinda like molding a mouth guard from boiling water.
Anyway, once it conformed to your feet and then cooled, that shape became permanent, so even with a brand new stiff-ass pair of shoes, you pop those insoles in and it’d feel like they’ve been broken in for years.
There’s probably something else on the market that works the same way, but I haven’t actually searched, since I’ve never needed to; but the Columbia ones at least are SO comfortable!
Well, the good news is that lots of different companies make thermal moldable inserts. From what you said and the info from the link, they’re probably made out of Cloud Crepe with a durometer of 45 or less. So when you run out it shouldn’t be a big deal, should be pretty easy to find.
Oven baked insoles. Now I’m closer to having read everything
I didn’t realize we were getting into nsfw territory here…
i meant for insoles D:
My feet are fucked and the easiest way to explain it is with gloves.
Just think about gloves or mittens. They fit over your hand perfectly. I mean it’s obvious right? You make hand shaped things for hands, why would you do anything else?
Yet you look at shoes and none of them are fucking foot shaped and everyone acts like this is normal.
So I hate feet, I hate my feet and I’m sure I hate your feet. But I’ll still rant about shoes and feet if it comes up.
Yet you look at shoes and none of them are fucking foot shaped and everyone acts like this is normal.
I recall seeing a lot of “internet hate” at finger shoes. There’s even a xkcd of that
Just get ones wide enough for your toes.
I wear altras, makes the world of difference
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I don’t agree with this. I think it’s weirder to be into knees than feet. (Personally I’m an ass man, so I’m looking down at you all benevolently.)
Some people have mentioned that some people with foot fetishes have a habit of trying to get people they find attractive to talk about their feet which makes everyone uncomfortable, to the point that it’s kinda of the main reason I think a stigma has formed against it.
If I met someone who for some reason I suspected was into feet, I’d be a little wary until I felt they weren’t gonna be weird about people’s feet, but I think if i met a knee fetish person, I’d be so surprised they exist that i wouldn’t think about this aspect even though it’s just as likely.
You’ve given me much to think about. Perhaps someday society will forgive the feet people, but not today it seems.
I’d also put calves above both, too. Not that I’ve heard of anyone having a calf fetish – while I have unfortunately seen evidence of people into knees – I think it’s easier to understand someone into legs appreciating a shapely calf as well as the thigh.
Agree. Calves can be beautiful.
I’m not a calf guy, except for my partner’s; calves like a Lilo & Stitch character 👀
Unpopular opinion but feet ain’t even that bad. If you ever meet a man into knees, that’s when you run
There are dozens of us! Dozens!
Fr though, I can’t think of knees ever mentioned as a fetish except for people trying to be silly, my own first comment on this post included 🤷
being into knees is arguably worse lol
Front knee is weird and gross
But back of the knee? Well…
Yeah I could get behind that
It’s the bees knees that make me uncomfortable
Okay why are you ankle shaming?
Found the dude from 1920
I’m actually a Mennonite (I’m not)
I think we all understand where your interests actually lie,
Hypothesis: Foot fetishes are a primary driving force behind the spread of genital warts.
Evidence: Oh hell no, I ain’t putting that shit in my browsing history. Y’all got it from here.
Human papillomavirus HPV is responsible for warts on feet.
So genital warts, mostly HSV (Herpes). Not nice but not particularly harmful most of the time. Cold sores and genital warts. Mouth, genitals. Won’t look nice but you won’t die.
HPV - cancer.
Further investigation on the evidence may be required but social acceptability chart above may be justified.
If you have a foot fetish get vaccinated against HPV everyone.
Also not googling this. Please take this comment with the respect and authority it deserves. (None)
The HPV strains that cause warts are not the same ones that cause cancer, AFAIK
There are like dozens of different strains
In addition, HPV vaccines do not prevent warts, they only protect against the cancer-causing strains
Honestly I think the deepest red should be closer to the ankle, but idk.
Nice try, foot fetishist
All I’m saying is, it’s a lot more commonplace than fetishizing from ankle to knee. Those are the real freaks as far as society as a whole is concerned.
You obviously haven’t seen someone with calves that could crush your neck.
I really needed assurance my thigh fetish was socially acceptable, thanks
Alright, who here likes feet?
I like mine, they make standing and walking really easy.
I’d like to keep mine if that’s the real question.
Actually that’s less due to your feet and more due to your pinky toe. Without it, you’d keep falling over.
sigh. me. why can’t i be normal
You’re normal, you’re just not usual. Also foot fetish is, like, the most standard fetish at this point.
Plus which, feet can be sexy as hell.
Plus which, feet can be sexy as hell.
So can shoulder blades, but you never see any porn for that.
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Dammit, now I gotta start looking for shoulder blade porn, cause that is sexy…
Variety is the spice of life, friend.
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What was his stance on mods?
Mmm yeah, dat green to yellow gradient side knee 🥵
Knee gang here we go
to be fair knees peeking out over knee socks are v cute. thigh highs are awesome but knee socks are underrated
why is the area near the hole more respectable than the area near the dirt? Who makes these rules and where do I file a complaint?
Dirt is dirty. The hole hopefully isn’t, in fact now that I think about it I would argue that a dirty/unhygienic hole fetish is more shameful than a clean foot fetish 🤔
but not actually shameful, whatever people are into is fine as long as no one gets hurt, or they consent to getting hurt 🤷
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Yeah you won’t see me hanging around those shin, knee pit, and back-of-the-upper-calf weirdos. Line’s gotta get drawn somewhere.
Yeah, I’m going to say that calves can be sexy (high heels are generally meant to accentuate them) and I find them more socially acceptable fetish wise than knees.
I see a lot of jokes about knee fetish in this thread. I dated a dude with a knee kink. It was disconcerting at first, but being the enlightened, nonjudgmental being I am, I went with it. Wasn’t my thing at all, but honestly, the best word to describe it was inoffensive. He mostly just wanted to rub them, and occasionally get kneed in bed. Very meh experience.
Calves and thighs should be greener than knees and feet.
The toes should be a lighter red than the rest of the foot, and the heel should be a darker red.