The guy above me who vacuums his room every Saturday at exactly 9am
The guy above me who vacuums his room every Saturday at exactly 9am
Hey Ted do you want to go out and fly our human flesh coloured hot air balloons together?
Can we talk about how utterly useless that default could cooler is? Like for relatively high end gaming CPU it really shouldn’t be legal for it to ship with something so useless.
Average Linux user when you tell them you actually like using Windows.
Reminds me of Major Genral Armstrong but with shooter hair.
I was talking about reddit, but yeah
I got banned from world news for being pro Palestinians and the mods wouldn’t even give me an answer as to why I got banned. Then when I kept asking I got a site wide ban for "“harassment”
I mean they went on to have WAY MORE than 13 colonies.
This is why its tradition to shout “Jesus Christ!” When you’re scared
Except most of the devs that made hifinleft the studio already.
Why wouldn’t a reasonable person pick the bear?
Because you’re comparing a wild animal that can easily kill you with a single swipe, with a random normal person?
Plenty of people have just ordinary, totally safe experiences with bears in their normal lives.
I can, with 10,000,000,000% certainty tell you that way more people have vastly more ordinary, totally safe experiences with random men in their normal lives than with bears.
Sorry, by “you” I mean the original OP
You share your world with random men you don’t know every single day. How often do you walk through a bear encloser at a zoo?
That post frustrated the fuck out of me. Like I get and agree with the point you’re trying to make. But no, if you were actually given that choice no reasonable person is actually going to pick the bear.
This one would be funnier if it said slightly less.
It’s that easy.
I’m guessing you’re not a programmer yourself? Because it’s really really not that east to /just/ detect in the server side, hacks can be super sofisticsted these days and there are often many client side exploits that you simply cannot detect serverside.
Microsoft launcher master race.
Twitter is one of those shitty asset flip survival horrors.
He just paid an exhorberent amount of money for other other people’s work, gave it some basic connecting code and slapped his branding on it and ended up with a product worth less that the sum total of the assets bought to make it.
Oh and you’re constantly trying to avoid Elon and his right wing ghouls, but it just constantly spawns them in front of you and winning is basically impossible.