People thought COBOL would let managers write code.
People thought COBOL would let managers write code.
Not so - fine gazelle!
And before the switch, they showed him speaking Russian so the audience could realise what a good decision it was!
IDK, the “we only need to be lucky once” is a hell of a message.
How many goddamn ads can you fit into a wiki?
Welcome to post-structuralism, enjoy the ennui. And the cognac.
Yeah, but the move there is to sear the bun insides while making the patty.
I feel like there shoul be an ISO/DIN to define this.
Neither. The band is Fugazi, that’s Guy Picciotto hanging over Brendan Canty.
The concept album is Slim Shady is trying to get Eminem cancelled.
That is genuinely hilarious.
It was kinda funny when lemmy was just taking in the reddit exodus crowd and people were complaining that their front page was full of German and Polish posts.
It’s incredibly annoying, though, that you can only copy boards in the app, and when you do it makes triplicate of all the cards.
I find the opposite works fine: I don’t have to know the exact words, but I doo look up the translation to know what the song is actually about.
Once in a while maybe you will feel the urge To break international copyright law By downloading MP3’s from file sharing sites Like Morpheus or Grokster or LimeWire or KaZaA
Ok, now that example I like very much!
IIRC “Calendar” was one of the proposed solutions, but the bone actually had a lot more than 28 holes. It’s one of the reasons it’s purpose is considered unknown.
I always find this particular strain of antiintellectualism deeply ironic, because it claims to oppose women being forgotten, but the premise assumes the “scientists” are all male.
It’s by design very verbose and “English”-like, like instead of x=y*z it would go “MULTIPLY y BY z GIVING x”, the idea was that it would read almost like natural language, so that non-tech staff could understand it.