Thank you for the reminder to go listen to his new album! Skimmed a few articles that say it’s outstanding.
Edit: I’m back after a full listen through, start to finish. What an absolute banger of an album! The Best Eminem. Feels like a short time machine journey to the early 2000s but with modern references. Now I understand why at the end of the meme it’s all angry faces, lmao.
I’m unlikely to listen to the whole album. To be honest I’m unlikely to listen to any of it.
With that in mind, care to explain this joke that clearly wasn’t aimed at me?
The concept album is Slim Shady is trying to get Eminem cancelled. The album is filled with typical Slim Shady comments and jokes from the older years (modernized) that are now considered too offensive. Now, (I’ve heard) Gen Z and others who are listening to this stuff for the first time are getting confused and upset thinking he’s a terrible person.
But, all the fans who wanted this got exactly what they wanted and seem to be genuinely happy with the album. It’s those who are shocked at the lyrics that are upset. Anyone who’s been a fan for long enough knows it’s just for jokes.
So the joke is, Eminem gave fans what they asked for and then some of the younger people are thinking it’s too offensive and are now upset.
The concept album is Slim Shady is trying to get Eminem cancelled.
That is genuinely hilarious.
Thank you, that helped a lot!
I’m still a bit confused about what it means to modernize an old joke, in this context, but I think I more or less got the picture
The following is an Eminem lyric that todays kids wouldn’t like
My words are like a dagger with a jagged edge That’ll stab you in the head, whether you’re a fag or lez Or a homosex, hermaph or a trans-a-vest Pants or dress, hate fags? The answer’s yes
However I think it aged pretty well in that the subject matter is still topical
The next is one with dated references that would need to be updated
But I can’t figure out which Spice Girl I want to impregnate (Oh) And Dr. Dre said, “Slim Shady, you a basehead” (Uh-uh) “Then why’s your face red? Man, you wasted” Well, since age 12, I felt like I’m someone else 'Cause I hung my original self from the top bunk with a belt Got pissed off and ripped Pamela Lee’s tits off And smacked her so hard I knocked her clothes backwards like Kris Kross
The folks today are way to sensitive…Sure some stuff aged quite bad but man are some touchy.
and others who are listening to this stuff for the first time are getting confused and upset thinking he’s a terrible person.
I’m not an Eminem fan. But didn’t he beat his wife?
I’m in the same boat, but I heard that Eminem killed off the Slim Shady character.
Yea basically the album transitions from a cringe Slim Shavy vs Eminem bunch of stuff into a Slim Shady being killed turning it into more of a solo “classic” Eminem.
It’s littered with reference and remix of his older lyrics and tracks, which is nice in a maybe too nostalgic kind of way, but as and old millennial, I still think playing the offensive Slim Shady character and putting it next to a “reformed” Emined that yells “OMG you can’t say that nooooo!” is, at best, dumb as fuck and smells of “Marshall you don’t really get the point do you?”.
But to be fair none of what he was saying back in the 2000s was any more acceptable. You listened to it without possibly agreeing to it.
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Edit: this seems to have evolved from millennials to gen x apperantly.
On tiktok there is this whole ass beef of millennials saying that gen z shouldn’t be so butthurt about Eminem’s new album.
Thing is i have yet to see a gen z that gives a single fuck about Eminem.
Everyone’s just making fun of millennials, saying they should take their schizophrenia meds.
who is gen Z, also thanks for reminding me to take my scizzo meds
According to brave search AI: anyone born between 1995 and 2010.
So like gen z is the first generation that really grew up with modern technology which results in very unique behaviour in the majority of this generation. Also this is the only generation old enough to be adult but not in their 30’s (well almost but not quite yet) which results in the typical age/generation related banter
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Evil track is hard tho!
That “so much ammunition, I sweat lead” flow is dope
Man, I really wanted to like Houdini. But he sampled Steve Miller so hard, that’s ALL I hear.