All Republicans truly want, is hypocrisy
All Republicans truly want, is hypocrisy
Jesus Christ NBC is so out of touch. National Boomer Corporation 🦚
His rallies have fizzled and I suspect this year (unlike 2016) a lot of these attendees were paid for their attendance, hence the common early exodus we have seen from his “supporters”.
Was he saying Republicans/Russian money should be purged from the American government?
I heard he even got pegged by a La-Z-Boy
You know it’s AI because the hat isn’t on backwards this time
The Josh Hawley fist pump is often exhibited by cowards under duress
Good. Good. Let the hatred flow.
Nayeth, though thou hath thoroughly thought thots through.
Please tell me that this was a dating website exchange
I agree he’s killing it on purpose. Something to do with information control.
His meeting so long at the Superbowl with Rupert Murdoch in his suite sure didn’t give me a warm fuzzy feeling.
Elon is a very odd duck, and not at all in a good way.
He’s making X into a “whites only” platform. What did he expect?
At Goldman Sachs, everybody pictured would be Vice-President, including Dave.
He can barely bring a glass of water to his fat mouth— using two hands to steady it
She easily could beat fat Don’s ass in a fistfight too.
Haven’t seen it, but now will watch. Thanks for the share. :)
Michael Clayton type shit.
Quit juicing your shitty stock and fix your shitty fucking planes instead.
Boeing used to be synonymous with quality.
P: “You will do as I say”
T: “Yes”