I just picture someone with a legitimate ear injury having to go to Walmart and getting praised and followed around like Brian from “Life of Brian”.
“No I’m not a Trump supporter, I just nicked my ear doing yard work! Stop following me! Go away! Leave me ALONE!”
I was just about to reference the waving of a sandal from Life of Brian lol. These people in the picture are a few gourds short.
It also came to my mind.
Pop a vote blue sticker on it, confuse the lot of them.
— You are all individuals!
— We are all individuals!
— I’m not.
— Shh!
The same people couldn’t wear a face mask to save the lives of their relatives.
wAkE uP sHeEpLe
The level of projection when calling others sheep.
One of those things that always boggles my mind.
Edit not you that I’m replying to, but the people IRL that called people sheep.
Don’t forget that some also wore yellow stars because apparently hygiene=genocide.
Well, it does, kinda, but not in the way they think it does.
The difference is they were told to wear a mask, which means they are standing up for their “rights” by not doing it.
The ear thing is to show how dedicated they are to the “cause,” which is essentially opposition to what “the other side” is doing.
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I haven’t been keeping up with the news much, I know about Trump’s ear but… Is the top image for real, are people actually doing this in the US?
You have to understand that these people are clinging to anything they can use to identify others who are in their in-group. MAGA hats, diapers, and now ear coverings.
Cults do the same thing and for the same reason.
It’s the same virtue signaling they make fun of others for doing.
There was a movie in 2008, “the Wave” (German: die Welle) about a teacher who wants to show his class how easily it is to start fascism by just let everyone wear white shirts for school.
It’s the symbolic items from the same tier or color to identify a group, which makes it dangerous.
It’s the stigmata of the anti-Christ
I didn’t think the MAGAs could find a stupider fashion accessory than those dumb, red hats but somehow, they found a way.
Life, uh, finds a way.
Remember the diapers?
please tell me they actually wore diapers
this is hilarious in a cringy and slightly gross way
i love it
They did:
- Trump Supporters Wore Diapers at Rallies? (snopes.com, May 2024)
Donald Trump supporters wore diapers at rallies in spring 2024, holding signs that said “Real men wear diapers.”
Trump wears a bandage, they follow.
Trump wears a diaper, crickets.
They actually wore diapers for a quick minute there.
They did?!
Well of course they fucking did.
I am sure someone shit themselves to really own the libs.
They did:
- Trump Supporters Wore Diapers at Rallies? (snopes.com, May 2024)
Donald Trump supporters wore diapers at rallies in spring 2024, holding signs that said “Real men wear diapers.”
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We are living in the dumbest timeline.
How to identify yourself as an idiot, step 1
There are many creatures in nature that warn others that they are toxic or dangerous by having bright colors, warning sounds or by wearing little red hats.
That poor sheep did not have any choice. I cannot say the same about other characters in this picture.
They want to be him. Like they are dreaming they are Trump?
Or I can’t really imagine why they’d do it.
Imagine aspiring to be a fat, old, rapist, orange loser 😂
But he’s a rich(?) fat old rapist and orange loser.
Is he even rich? He has more debt than money at this point.
I share your doubts regarding his financial wellbeing, which is why I included the question mark in braces. But the main point is that he’s perceived as rich by those people.
He’s still better off than a lot of his voters
Cult of personality. Do as their new Messiah does.
Jesus this is so creepy and weird
Those real bandages? If so, what a waste of resources.
Maxi pads.
If a TV drama did this with a Presidential candidate who had a cult-like grip on his followers to the point that they wore the same bandage as him, critics would say it was too on-the-nose.
Look, it’s the
dsheep state.Definite dsheep state, like how the family name used to be Dtrump.