Took me a while to figure out that this is for Grounded…
After googling and reading some articles, that doesn’t seem to be true. According to Webtoon, they make contracts with creators, which seems to be between 48.000 and 50.000 dollars a year on average. For example, the contract would state that the creator is to deliver 50 episodes per year, with a 1000 bucks per episode. If the series incurs any losses and makes, for example, only 45.000 in revenue, then the creator still gets paid the full 50.000. That’s including fast pass. So, in this example, Webtoon would make no money on the series in that year.
Again, 50k is only an example, it depends on the contract. The numbers in other articles are all over the place, I’ve seen reports of as low as 38k.
This doesn’t include “international (non-local) paid content revenue, advertising revenue, or merchandising revenue.” Which means that creators can make more than their contract states, even if the episodes themselves don’t meet the contractual revenue.
Webtoon also has an ad revenue sharing program for creators that hit a view minimum requirements. Through this program, creators get 50% of all ads displayed on their series.
Please keep in mind that this information may not be 100% accurate, but it is the most reliable info I could find in a few minutes, since it’s mostly from Webtoon’s own homepage and a few third party sites.
In any way, it’s better than not getting paid for your work at all.
Holy fuck, how fast was he playing that he needed lube? Lmao
God, I hope so. Imagine all of Beethoven’s finger gunk sticking to those keys.
On the other hand, there’s a lot of people who need to be handheld through the experience. Maybe this is even their first ever video game.
Ideally, it would be an optional thing, but oh well.
Yeeah, this just has to be satire…
I’m more of a fan of the “shit your dicks off” and the “velvet chodes” shirt. Also, “Aloha, cunts!” is always a great way to great your family!
The best merch I’ve seen so far (except for LTT and GamersNexus) is by ObscurestVinyl. It’s actually something I’d buy.
Just get him more meth. He’ll stop soon.
For example interrogation, torture and execution of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, who didn’t want to (metaphorically) suck the crown prince’s tiny pecker. Oh, and also the slavery and continuing to basically treat women as second class citizens…
And don’t forget the numerous and repeated human rights violations!
And John McAfee was the messiah lol
I see we’re gatekeeping sports now lol
Lol, are you trying to say something?
He’s still better off than a lot of his voters
Hey, Broccoli is great! >:(