6:30am “Vrrrrroooooooooooooomm!” for about a minute.
Silence for 45 seconds.
“Vrrrooooooooooooom!” for about a minute.
Repeat for the next 1 1/2 hours.
6:30am “Vrrrrroooooooooooooomm!” for about a minute.
Silence for 45 seconds.
“Vrrrooooooooooooom!” for about a minute.
Repeat for the next 1 1/2 hours.
I haven’t had any problems running my Steam library under Linux Mint. Older games, like Deus Ex and Giants: Citizen Kabuto I can run directly in Wine.
If I could get Vortex Mod Manager working properly under Linux, I wouldn’t need Windows at all.
There are many creatures in nature that warn others that they are toxic or dangerous by having bright colors, warning sounds or by wearing little red hats.
I didn’t think the MAGAs could find a stupider fashion accessory than those dumb, red hats but somehow, they found a way.
Our government was corrupted the moment the courts accepted the “Corporations are people/ Money is speech” arguments. At that moment, the government stopped representing the needs of ordinary people and only represented the needs of billionaires and their lobbyists.
It’s taking a long time to play out but it’s going to end badly.
The point (which I guess I needed to point out) is that this isn’t a work of fiction, anymore. Government has been granted unprecedented power to conduct surveillance on innocent people with no warrants or accountability. Companies carry out data harvesting and location tracking in nearly every consumer product connected to the Internet. Microsoft has literally incorporated spyware into Windows 11 (CoPilot / Recall). We are living in a real life surveillance state right NOW and our government and corporations are clearly fine with it. And that’s where the “how-to” guide comes into it. That’s the BAD THING. I really didn’t think I needed to spell it out, but damn.
The only rebellion shown in the book is Goldstein’s manifesto and even that turns out to be a lie. The State invented Goldstein’s rebellion to weed out Thought criminals. And Winston fell for it.
1984 doesn’t have a happy ending, unless your idea of a happy ending is a man going insane. Oceania was always a lost cause. The point of warnings is that you’re supposed to avoid the thing they’re warning you against.
More people need to read “1984” and understand that it’s a warning, not a “how-to” guide.
Stupid AI will destroy humanity. But the important thing to remember is that a brief, shining moment, profit will be made.
If the point of taking drugs is to “enhance your performance” then Biden took every drug he should NOT have taken before that debate.
Well, what are we supposed to do? Choose a presidential candidate who was born after the Battle of the Bulge?
It is long past time we got over our child-like worship of billionaires.
I switched to Linux Mint a few weeks ago and I’m not having any problems with games. Everything in my Steam library plays fine.
Or . . . you load that old save game and think, “oh yeah. NOW I remember why I stopped playing this.”
Being able to touch type an on-screen keyboard with your eyes would be amazing, but we all know the real reason for this invention would be to make sure you’re watching the ads.
Let’s see: Socialism: A system of government where the country’s wealth is concentrated into a small, ruling class of billionaires, who use the media they own to keep the lower classes fighting with each other while they . . . the rich . . . run off with all the farking money.
Oh wait. that’s capitalism. I don’t know how I got those two systems confused.
Basically, don’t make definitive statements about things you don’t understand. Just try to be as helpful as you can with the knowledge you have.
It also helps if you’re not struggling with a narcissistic personality disorder that causes you to make definitive statements in the first place.
This. You promise lots of stuff with “the people’s” in it, and then you create something that is indistinguishable from 19th century, robber baron capitalism.
No nation on earth has ever actually practiced communism that isn’t just a small, ruling class of billionaires, who use the media they own to keep the lower classes fighting with each other while they . . . the rich . . . run off with all the farking money.
The only exceptions to this were small communes, run by people who actually read Karl Marx and who weren’t vain, greedy, brutal a$$holes.
We have to accept false dichotomies because the only alternative is cannibalism.