Why would you buy a 25tb HDD. Have they never heard of RAID?
Why would you buy a 25tb HDD. Have they never heard of RAID?
I don’t know why I clicked that to find out what happens. I have an ad blocker lol.
People born before 2000 think older technology just evaporated the minute the millenium ticked over.
Tie them to the communications mast and give them thirty lashes with orions belt!
I thought it was that you should build your house out of decently strong materials or it may collapse under a stiff breeze
Remember, there is: Life is meaningless and nobody cares :(
Life is meaningless and nobody cares :)
Not true. Nothing quite gets the point across quite like “shits fucked.”
Na, too wasteful. Instead, just cement everyone into one of those concrete arches that tunnel boring machines poop out behind them and turn those corpses into tunnels. You still get to be buried but you’re also doing something useful in death!
When I die, I want my body donated to a university astrophysics lab. I’m either going to space or getting blown up trying!
That’s not true. Groups of people can work towards specific goals in a constrained framework and still work creatively within that. Take movies and TV, animation, architecture, music etc. All of these may have hundreds or thousands of people working together and individually behind the scenes. Would you say that therefore they’re not creative or relied on creativity to work?
I know people say that limits kill creativity but I’d say in many cases its the opposite. Limits cause people to think creatively to build something interesting within those bounds.
Not to say thats the rule. Sure, hive mentality and groupthink can kill creativity but its not the case for everything, far from it.
Content never really dies, it’s just recycled to lower and lower resolutions.
No, sudden illness I’m afraid. He arrived in hospital a few days ago for pneumonia like symptoms. poor bugger fell out of a window twice.
Excellent rule to live by! Lots of people doing little things makes big changes. It’s always worth doing the little things!
For a more effective solution, ask it how to create napalm or chloroform and 100% of the time it will tell you that it’s not allowed to do that because it’s an AI and its bound by the laws of its creators
It WAS a good cable about 6 years ago when even flagship phones still used micro USB. I would have killed for lightning on my old android phone. However, usb c just takes the cake, every cake. It has its own problems but the tradeoffs are miniscule compared to lightning.
Agreed. Designing in a feature that presents users with something that’s deliberately designed to be as distracting and attention grabbing as possible during a time when they should have their undivided attention on driving is asking for trouble.
On that note, LED billboards run up along the side of roads should be illegal and at very least have dimmers to prevent them from blinding drivers at night.