Rick Roll is only effective on people using ad blockers
Given that ad block users are usually tech savvy and have been around the net a while: We already know the URL and can detect Rick Rolls before clicking on shit.
I have an ad blocker and I tend to recognise the link, but even when I do, I ~choose to click on it for the fun of it.😌
Yup I will usually happily walk into a rick roll. I just enjoy the music. lol
Idc what anyone says… It’s a good song
I mean, the song is a banger
Yeah if I get a hunch that the link I’m clicking is a Rick roll, I’m disappointed if it’s not
I wrote a tamper monkey script to detect rick rolls lol
Sad reality indeed that to punk an online user with this classic requires for the said user to be tech savvy
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Lazy, I just recognize the url from getting rick rolled so much.
XcQ, link stays blue
A friend of mine helped me set up a Star Trek automation where the lights turn on and a Star Trek LCARS video plays on my TV.
Went to demo it only to discover he’d changed the link to a rickroll. I love that trolling bastard
lmao that’s a good one
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XcQ, no thank you!
I give up, this has really let me down.
Gave you the runaround?
I run around, and desert YouTube.
You aren’t doing youtube correctly.
PC: firefox + ublock origin, freetube
Mobile: revanced, newpipe
How does one Rick roll people who don’t do YouTube correctly, which is most everyone?
Those people? We don’t interact with those people.
Are you rick-rolling yourself? Derp.
Honestly, I have Firefox + ublock origin in Mobile too
and sponsorblock 👌
I have all 3 options on mobile as well
FreeTube has an Android fork now that works just as well as the PC version.
For iOS, since there’s no easy app based method to block YouTube ads: fire up a VPN connection to Albania. Streaming ads are illegal in Albania.
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Freetube has been failing consistently on all my desktops lately. None of the instances on the main site work. Can you verify it’s till working and maybe DM me the instance you’re using?
I can’t believe I’m about to suggest this, but use a YouTube short version since those don’t have ads.
Wow, a legitimate use case for shorts.
Nice! May I recommend you share that with all of our professional rickrollers? (Or may I share it there?)
I’ve literally rickrolled thousands of people and i didn’t hesitate for a second to click on that link. wow. (﹏;)
Go for it!
Tenor’s has a guide that shows you how to make a full video link into a Shorts style link to not have ads at the beginning: https://media.tenor.com/x8v1oNUOmg4AAAAM
If you’re seeing ads on YouTube, you’re doing it wrong.
Thank you. I needed this.
Omg did you just reinvent YouTube?!?
I don’t mind adverts for free services but YouTube take the piss now.
And Amazon. Paying Prime members still have to watch ads.
Fuck u peasant! What are you going to do about it?
Pirate Content?
Use VPN to get YouTube premium for India price?
Even premium isn’t safe nowadays
Pirate Content?
Use VPN to get YouTube premium for India price?
What? Wtf no! Use an ad blocker, my guy!
What ticks me off is Stack TV. I pay for it and I still get huge ads on the bottom and right edges, telling me to subscribe to Stack TV.
Same in UK for Sky. You have to be a Sky TV customer (paying) to use the Android or iOS Sky Go app and it still makes you watch adverts without skipping.
Nippy Kind Langur
Tenor had a good video guide of how to skip ads for short videos on YouTube with link changes. I used it to Rick Roll a friend once, not sure if it still works, though: https://media.tenor.com/x8v1oNUOmg4AAAAM
you motherfu-
Wasn’t there someone who bought youtube ads and had the ad be a rick roll?
I know theres a github page. I believe its shatterdisk? When i was in school they firewalled youtube. So i found alternatives to rick roll.
Where there is a rick roll There is a rick way
I was saved by the cookie approval pop-up tho.
It is official, vanilla internet is fucked.
Not for me, probably due to Ninja Cookie being installed, but the video doesn’t start playing…
I can’t even press play, it’s like there’s an tag of the thumbnail with no interaction.
I probably blocked something, something bad.
There was a vociferous but somehow under the radar outcry about this back in 2018 and an incredibly simple solution was widely suggested: demonetize the video.
However, the highly viewed video is a significant source of royalty revenue for Mr. Astley, which, as he well argued at the time in a series of tweets, is only just compensation for the way his image has been turned into a joke literally hundreds of millions of times now.
Mr. Astley implored YT not to bow to pressure and demonetize the video. YT famously replied “don’t worry, we’re never going to give you up, never going to let you down.”
Watch this vid for a good explanation on how to avoid the issue:
https://music.apple.com/us/music-video/never-gonna-give-you-up/1559900284Oh, oh, oh! Thanks! I think I’ll click on it right now.
Ed. Damnit
Just use a different site here