English is idiosyncratic as hell. Didn’t someone famous call it “not a language but 3 languages in an overcoat.”
Adding to this specific instance is that even native speakers spell things wrong. They loose their keys, etc.
English is idiosyncratic as hell. Didn’t someone famous call it “not a language but 3 languages in an overcoat.”
Adding to this specific instance is that even native speakers spell things wrong. They loose their keys, etc.
I would lohz my shit if we had to pronounce it that way.
If we could get 100% of people to do anything then the world would be a utopia tomorrow. Spoiler: that isn’t going to happen.
To keep it on point here, /u/Anticorp got yelled at above for saying that COVID is here to stay, as if this is some apathetic, defeated attitude.
I would posit that any hopes and dreams predicated on getting literally everyone to do literally anything are laughably naive and not even worth discussing.
Maybe people who lived in red states developed this notion that no one put in the effort but where I live we certainly did on a large scale and it did not eliminate the virus. Other cultures who already had a healthy practice of masking when sick still got hit with COVID. This notion that we could have eliminated it if people had just put in a tiny effort… I don’t know where y’all are getting that from.
Why are you hooting as if we’ve eliminated the flu? Strains come and go. The flu is very much here to stay and continues to kill people every year. We also masked and distanced for a very long time and didn’t eliminate COVID. I am struggling so hard to see what your point could possibly be other than to take a shrill tone with this person for having the audacity to face reality.
It’s benign in the sense of fatalities, but the lingering health issues from it seem more and more common now. I even know someone who is dealing with long term health symptoms that began right after dose 2 of the vaccine (I’m not an antivaxxer but this correlation is hard for them to ignore as they face their daily struggle to be the person they were before).
It’s amazing to see a perspective from such a different place on the spectrum. Spending more time with the kids is fine but watching them stagnate with little social life was really hard. I think it’s highly dependent on their age. Under 3: pure bonus for the kid because the parents are home more. 3-5: terrible for the kid because this is the time they’re supposed to be developing socialization with friends at preschool/school. 5-10: bummer but they got through it. My son got hit right in the 3-5 period. His social skills and life have still not fully cleared the cloud this put over him. Daughter was in the 5-10 and was able to get something out of remote school and limited access to her friends. Son got a raw deal.
It was also just physically so trying. You know how your day just goes differently when the kids are sick and don’t go to school? You have to attend to them the whole day through to make sure they are okay and not just stagnating on the couch and you can’t necessarily leave the house or do errands etc during the day like you normally would. It was like that, but for over a year, with lots of added stresses involved from the pandemic itself.
A scarring time. My job gave me something to focus on from home. But my wife, who is a full time parent, says she has never recovered.
The title is a little clickbaity though that is frankly the state of YT as a whole these days. Given the rich information in the video and the high effort put into the explanations, let’s allow it.
so trying to be healthy is pointless
No one said anything about pointlessness.
Strictly speaking, the video does a quality job of showing how true democracy is a unfinished science and far less intuitive than most people suppose when they haven’t thought about it much. However it repeatedly makes the same point you do, that some systems are better than others.
I heard this comment in Guinan’s voice.
Why only for the presidency? The principle seems the same at any level.
This interesting video details some of the problems with various vote counting systems, including ranked choice. Turns out that formulating the perfect democratic process is something people have been trying and failing at for centuries.
It doesn’t sound particularly good, either.
I found this video on the mathematics of democracy fascinating. It’s not some accident that third parties hurt the party they’re more aligned with: it’s inevitable under first-past-the-post. Really, the only reason to start a third party is to influence one of the other parties, and even then it’s a dangerous game because your spoiler effect may create backlash, drawing people away from the ideas you want to promote. The older I get, the more I see that you can’t win the game without playing it.
Well we may just have to disagree. Even your definition requires that everyone be happy, and cooperating. I think that goes against your earlier contention that regardless of what people want, utopia has an objective definition.
It is what people want it to be, and people want different things.
Where exactly is this defined meaning?
utopia (noun) an imagined place or state of things in which everything is perfect.
According to Oxford Languages it is very much in the eye of the beholder and not objectively defined.
I agree with your more sensible definition but it is a slippery concept.
It’s a bit ambiguous what it means to say:
unless it’s Utopia for everyone
Is it Utopia “for” someone if it isn’t their idea of Utopia? Seems like you are saying yes.
But if yes, then as long as current conditions meet anyone’s definition of utopia, then we’re all living in one.
Which brings us back to the OP.
Interesting concept. Kind of like “is it really heaven if people you didn’t like while you were alive are also there?”
Utopia can never be utopia for everyone because some people will want hierarchy and superiority over others. So with this requirement, utopia cannot exist. Maybe that’s why it doesn’t :D
Turns out it wasn’t close at all :(
As recently as yesterday morning I had people in my social feeds posting pictures of themselves voting and “excited to witness our first female president!” assuming a Harris victory. What a shocker.
One thing I’ve had to absorb from all this is that the Trump I see is not the Trump they see. Yes their media outlets are lying to them, but my media outlets are also working overtime to turn every comment he makes into a sure sign of goose-stepping fascism right around the corner. His every off color remark, and he has a lot of them, are so amplified by the press I consume that he seems an obvious villain.
I usually don’t “both sides” anything, but I do believe that while right wing media distort Trump, so does left wing media, and both contribute to this sense of “what can people possibly be thinking, to vote for him?” It’s because they haven’t been drinking from the same Trump hate firehose as me.
There was a vociferous but somehow under the radar outcry about this back in 2018 and an incredibly simple solution was widely suggested: demonetize the video.
However, the highly viewed video is a significant source of royalty revenue for Mr. Astley, which, as he well argued at the time in a series of tweets, is only just compensation for the way his image has been turned into a joke literally hundreds of millions of times now.
Mr. Astley implored YT not to bow to pressure and demonetize the video. YT famously replied “don’t worry, we’re never going to give you up, never going to let you down.”