Waking up when the weather changes:
There’s this really entertaining forensic psychiatrist named Eric Bender who does multiple analyses videos of pop culture “insane” characters using real scientific/medical knowledge.
So the movie versions of Joker aren’t insane in the sense that they’re lost in hallucinations and unable to discern reality from make-believe. The Joker likely wouldn’t be sent to an asylum in the real world. The Jokers of the movies are psychopathic, evil, uncaring, manipulative, etc. For the most part, to them the world is a game and it’s all about the Joker being the main character with everyone else being pawns to be used for evil amusement.
How about we just avoid the long arguments and jump to the end:
There. After so many of these threads I can near guarantee 90%+ will fall roughly into those categories.
I’m going to show my age with this list, and metal is such a large genre I don’t always know what counts. Hopefully there’s new ones for some folks that you’ll enjoy as much as I do.
Closets have no need to worry about being phased out so long as there are Republican politicians who secretly love LGBTQ+ sex. “It’s happened so many times that it’s almost become predictable at this point. The louder someone is about the righteous conservative Christian lifestyle they’re leading, the more likely they are to be stepping out on their wives or having secret gay affairs because if there is one thing you can count on in life, it’s for Republicans not to practice what they preach.”
I’m 43 and rarely have aches (certainly nothing that would qualify as chronic), but I also regularly walk to and from the gym to weightlift. There’s a saying “Movement is Medicine” and so far it seems to be proving true for me. Maybe if you don’t use it you lose it.
And I say he’s the one
Who likes all our pretty songs
And he likes to sing along
And he likes to shoot his gun
But he knows not what it means
Knows not what it means
And I say yeah
Nirvana - In Bloom
Early Birds vs. Night Owls is a real thing, has a genetic component, and makes sense from a historical societal perspective. The disconnect in optimum sleep schedule vs. societal expectations can result in what researchers call “social jet lag” because it’s like constantly living in a different time zone.
I hope this is the right spot to post Cage clips. Here he is channelling the soul of large corporations. You can tell this is from several years ago because he doesn’t end with a line like, “We here at the Nestle family thank you for your diligence”.
Looking at the thread I saved it from like 6 years ago, Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya. I don’t know anything about season/episode though.
Honestly, just because I’m new here and most of the image is swearing so I wanted to be careful. I know I probably could have left it, but I decided it wasn’t that big a deal to check the box to be sure.
Edit: I misunderstood the question. Originally I thought this was a “what game were you excited for before it came out”, then I re-read the post. Here’s a much better answer:
Against the Storm, which is a roguelike city builder. I was initially undecided, but the reviews were so positive it prompted me to buy it. Boy oh boy was that a good choice. I thought a city builder without combat was going to be dull, instead I spent weeks losing several hours at a time in a flash. The atmosphere (art, music, aesthetic) is incredible. The challenges hit that sweet spot with some being easy and some being really difficult (but almost always possible), and the roguelike nature means you never know which you’re going to find. The metaprogression means you can tackle harder and harder maps which gives each game a nice sense of progress even if you fail.
Megadegrees sounds like something graduates from Trump University got for finishing a retreat. They are the highest quality degrees - so good they deserve to have their own name!
Going back to temperature though, it would be odd-sounding to say the Sun can get as hot as 15 megadegrees at it’s core.
I’m sure a LLM trained on Reddit conversations will be a well-balanced, polite, and reasonable conversationalist and not a contradictory mess trying to figure out which brand of spite is most acceptable. Remember in 2016 when Microsoft plugged the chatbot “Tay” into the internet and it went full psycho Nazi in 24 hours?
I almost never buy multiplayer-focused games anymore. Of course not all gamers are shitty, but enough are to matter. Having left those games behind I can see how they were taking more joy from my life than they added. If friends want to do private co-op that’s cool, but it’s also rarer now that we’re all older.
As far as sales go, I love playing a year or two behind new releases. Patched games at a discount ftw and timing doesn’t matter in single-player games.