I don’t know what you youngsters are doing but my everything didn’t start to hurt until I passed 50.
I joked with my mom about how everything started hurting after 25, and she was baffled because for her the aches also only started after 50.
I am pushing 40 and no aches. Don’t know what is meant by the meme.
I’m guessing you exercise regularly? I suspect the young pains thing is mostly from living a sedentary lifestyle.
I lived a really sedentary lifestyle for about 10 years and everything started hurting. The good news for people in their 30s is that it’s probably not too late to turn it around. It’s crazy what a little exercise can do
I exercised a lot in my 20s but with my office job and working from home post pandemic I became extremely sedentary. Maybe it’s a good call to exercise again. I also have to get over a sports injury with physio so I really should go back to the gym.
It’s either that or the opposite end of the spectrum: being used and abused by physical labor jobs until you can’t work anymore.
The answer is nothing. A sedentary lifestyle is what gets you.
Thanks for reminding me that I need to exercise more. I’m nowhere near active enough.
I’m 43 and rarely have aches (certainly nothing that would qualify as chronic), but I also regularly walk to and from the gym to weightlift. There’s a saying “Movement is Medicine” and so far it seems to be proving true for me. Maybe if you don’t use it you lose it.
I’m a bigger, tall guy. 6’4", and in my mid 20’s 280+lbs. I was hired to deal with big heavy stuff. I’m no body builder by any means. Just larger framed. Still, often was hired to be a two legged horse. At the time I could do it. Now, I’m paying for it.
Being constantly over worked since we entered the workforce as teens/early 20’s
Maybe we don’t even know what hurt is
I’m about to turn 50 and nothing hurts on a regular basis
I bet you regularly exercise.
Walking/running/hiking, a light lifting program, a calisthenics program, pick two to defy the reaper of joints.
Swimming is good for both.
yea swimming does wonders to your skeleton, your muscles and ligaments, your breathing,… it’s fantastic
That’s pretty much the only reason I exercise - to make getting older suck less.
Confirmed, I do
Well that’s encouraging lol
wait til you reach your 110s, that’s when things really start cramping
I plan to shed my limbs before then and transform into a lizard.
Personally, I’ll become a mind in an anthropomorphic machine in the highly unlikely event that the technology gets there in the 25-40 years I have left lol.
Lizards are cool and all, but being cold-blooded only works for capitalists and have you ever tried playing Fallout New Vegas without hands?
Staying active helps mitigate this issue. Not fully, but it helps.
“Oh no I eat garbage and rarely do physical activity why oh why do I hurt when I do even the smallest things?” - Me, before I started getting out and doing things.
I mean, it worked well as a child and teenager, why wouldn’t it just continue to work? Kind of unfair if you ask me
I’m well past 30 and do not have this problem.
Either people have old injuries that are coming back to haunt them, bad genes, or they need to get their asses some exercise.
I assumed the joke was that as you get older things are just more stiff and you don’t recover as fast. Yeah, it can be reduced with more exercise/activity but you’re still getting older.
There was an event where this became apparent for me. I played softball for years in my 20s. Stopped for a bit and returned in my 30s. I was actually in better shape when I returned. One day mid-season, I was rounding first base, not even particularly fast, and I felt something tweek. By the end of the day I was stuck on the couch and could barely move. I had to take the next day off.
I don’t think that’s what the meme is saying, it really shouldn’t need interpretation. However, I agree with the rest of what you said. Youth gets strength, endurance, and faster recovery. If you’re older, you can still hold on to strength, but endurance and recovery take hits with time.
Yeah, over 30 is when your shit diet and lack of exercise catches up with you more and more. Exercise starts to not be optional if you don’t want to feel like shit.
Quit going to the gym thanks to covid and just started back up a couple months ago. I thought I felt fine before. After a month at the gym just doing super-basic, non-stressful cardio to just improve overall health and I realized that nope, I was not fine. Way better now even after just a month with 4 days a week at the gym and low-impact exercise.
Getting off your ass is highly valuable.
To be fair though, the soreness from regular exercise is what you get in the tradeoff. I have both a regular cardio and strength program I run through every week (5 days of exercise) and a pretty active lifestyle (2 days of outdoor activities every week (hiking, mountainbiking, splitboarding,etc)) and I am generally sore at least somewhere in my body.
I’m not sure why this needed to be said. The normal soreness from exercise is expected and in a way desirable because you know it’s “working”. Those muscles are taking damage and being rebuilt in a simple way of saying it. This is part of the process that keeps you healthy and fit. That’s entirely different from hurting for unknown reasons when doing nothing.
I think there’s a non-zero percentage of people that confuse being sore with having unexplained pain. And there’s probably also another group of people that think they can excercise without being sore, given how lots of people exercise tout it as fixing all pain, which might set incorrect expectations.
Anyway, I am just sharing my own experiences.
You absolutely can exercise without being sore. If you head over to /fitness on that other social media site there are plenty of people who can vouch for the fact that doing some decent lifting can end up in a spot where soreness doesn’t happen. I’ve been there, and it kinda sucks because that soreness is sort of a mental reward that “heck yeah, I did work today” and when it’s gone you miss it.
I think people are smart enough to know the difference between not working out and still sore/having pains, temporary exertion and hurting oneself causing soreness/pain,and workout soreness.
I’m not sure that pursuing the semantics of the words and subjective feelings of the differences between soreness and pain is worth pursuing here.
You’d be surprised how many people don’t know the difference between being sore and having pain, but I digress. I never wanted to discuss semantics, just make a jokey comment about trading pain for discomfort. Forget I mentioned it.
Yea I’m just about 40 and have no more aches than I did when I was 20. If you are fit and not overweight you likely won’t have pains into your 50s.
Agreed. It’s almost like this comedical graphic/text was made by someone who thinks 30 is like being 60 or something…not even close. Lol
Made by a 15 year old.
I just noticed my ankle hurts. Why? No idea. How long has it been that way? Also no idea. I hope it goes away on its own.
Will turn 30 this month. I walked a few kilometers and my legs hurt. A couple of years ago I had a date where we had walked 30km during a night and I felt great back then.
When I was writing this message, my back demanded a stretch, which I’ve provided, not without pain in my shoulders.
I am really started to consider a suicide at 40. I just can’t live inside this rack of a body.
Were you more active a couple of years ago? I’m 34 and shit starts falling apart when I stop exercising.
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How do you do it ?! answers, thorbot !! I want answers !
Don’t be overweight, exercise.
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Pragmatic. Thank you for this answer
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I think it’s mostly hyperbole
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Just wait ti’ll you get to your 40’s! 🎉
At that point I’d need to call a fuckin hearse.
Wait till you reach your 50s
I heard 70s is where it’s at.
I hear that, if you can get into triple digits, there’s a stack overflow and you start aging in reverse!
Earlier today, my knee just started hurting a lot for no reason. Not an old injury flaring up, no bad movements or anything. It just decided that my day was going too well 😄
This line of humor is fucking weak and self-defeating.
So many people seem to just be waiting to die.
Well… After leap from 2019 to this day… Many lost their sanity although still appearing sane on the surface
I interpreted it as joke about being super old and not suicidal.
Irony becomes reality when one keeps on spouting it.
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You will get old even if you don’t joke about being old. I think you either misunderstood me or replied to the wrong comment.
it’s just lighthearted hyperbole
Turning 50 this month, and I feel pretty good. I have a few niggles here and there, but I stay active and that helps a lot.
Yeah my recovery isn’t as fast anymore, lockup easier too.
Heat up tires and work on your braking then.
Man as a person who’s had small chronic pains since my teens these posts always make me jealous
I’m 22 and everything already hurts all the time, I usually need help with basic house chores at this point cause i need so much time to rest
That’s not normal and you should probably see a doctor. Condolences fellow human.
Yeah you right. they’re just expensive as hell out here and I don’t make enough money to guarantee I’d survive if I went to one
America moment?
America moment.