Truly in a clbottom of its own
Just a guy doing stuff.
Truly in a clbottom of its own
There’s no cognitive dissonance in negating a false negative
The easiest answer to this is yes, he could create a stone he couldn’t lift. And then he could lift it anyway.
New installations of windows do not ask, and simply enable it
The main thing people are upset about isn’t that OneDrive exists or that Microsoft is pushing it. It’s that updates have made it so that OneDrive folder backup is automatically enabled without user permission. Backing up files to OneDrive without being asked to. That is a privacy nightmare.
I personally host my own copy of Nextcloud and use that for anything I need to sync or back up. I have a regular back up job that snapshots the Ceph cluster it uses for storage and copies it to my own NAS box here in the house, which is automatically replicated via a Nebula network (like TailScale or Zerotier but fully self-managed) to an identical NAS at my parents’ house across town.
Somehow there’s never time to do it right, but there’s always time to do it again
I did not hit her! Oh hi, Mark, you piece of shit
If you’re trying to post cringe I have good news.
If you’re not trying to post cringe, I have bad news.
My favorite variant: Your secret is safe with my indifference.
Fun fact: The topic of the community is memes, which means discussions of memes are an appropriate post for the community.
Additionally, posting discussion had elsewhere is a valid way to generate further discussion on something.
Ergo, yo u are complaining about a non-issue.
Because the point of the post is the comments you donkey
DSP recently got localized small distribution drones, you can convert any storage box into a tiny logistics station now. It’s pretty sweet, really reduces the spaghetti early on in recent playthroughs
I bought the whole RAM, I’m gonna use the whole RAM
It has one bearing: it puts them in the same location together
I do; you’re only dismissing it because it’s formatted differently from the exact workflow you’re describing, but it’s certainly just as powerful if not more so
You can get pretty close to the same experience with https://github.com/mfussenegger/nvim-dap, any others?
I went helix -> vim -> emacs -> kakoune -> neovim, super interesting to see how people’s experiences differ
Most of the productivity comes from the motions; Being able to jump around the text incredibly fast, combining motions with actions and repeats, it’s unparalleled in the sheer speed. I can delete an entire function with the same basic pattern Id use to delete a word.
-> Delete the current function my cursor is on
-> Delete the current word
-> Delete the next three functions
Stuff like that, but with everything
Name a downside, I’ll tell you how you’re probably wrong
Flip it twice and it starts an automation!