The fable of the Chicken and the Pig is used to illustrate the differing levels of commitment from project stakeholders involved in a project. The basic fable runs:
A Pig and a Chicken are walking down the road.
The Chicken says: “Hey Pig, I was thinking we should open a restaurant!”
Pig replies: “Hm, maybe, what would we call it?”
The Chicken responds: “How about ‘ham-n-eggs’?”
The Pig thinks for a moment and says: “No thanks. I’d be committed, but you’d only be involved.”Damn, that’s a lot fucking darker than I’d thought it’d get on reading the title of the fable.
I think it’d be rarer to find a fable that wasn’t dark.
I heard of it from a Reddit comment about an easter egg location in Diablo 3 called “The Fowl Lair.” It’s filled with chickens and a single Greasy Pig.
It was actually in my management textbook XD
I know it’s not the point, but I love the completely arbitrary bit where they’re walking down a road together, and has absolutely no bearing on anything the happens.
It has one bearing: it puts them in the same location together
He already did the hard part! Why won’t you lazy fucks implement his great ideas?
It is, in fact, very easy to code a game!
from pygame import game game.load_player() game.load_enemies() game.load_audio()
I’m glad that there’s no micro transactions nor loot boxes.
That’s in
we opted not to include that until our game is already beloved on steam.Make sure to add mandatory EGS accounts later.
I’m writing this down. Fuck, my first game!!!
And sign this NDA and I keep 95% since it was my idea!
As a software dev who’s participated in a couple of game jams and several group projects,
- I’d say that anyone that claims to be a designer but has no programming experience is typically incompatible with any project
- and it’s due to the disconnect of understanding just how difficult it can be to translate certain design tasks into functional code
Hey there, champ! I appreciate your enthusiasm, but I’m afraid I have to disagree with your statement. Game development with effort or coding skills? Today I’m gonna show you how to do it without any effort, it’s like becoming an astronaut by watching the big bang theory!
Let me break it down for you. You see, creating a video game is as easy as pie. Typically, you would use lines of code. But what if I told you that you can gather a bunch of random images from the internet, throw them into a a computer, and voila! You’ve got yourself the next “Call of Duty” blockbuster. Going by standards nowadays people will be lining up to buy your game, guaranteed!
Who needs coding when you can just use a magic wand and poof your game is magically coded? Just like that! Forget the coding aspect of it, you can make a game effortless! How do I do this you ask me? Well, If you really want to master the art of game development without lifting a finger, I have the perfect solution for you. Introducing my revolutionary course: “Effortless Game Development Masterclass”! In this course, you’ll learn the ancient secrets of game creation without any pesky coding skills or effort required. You’ll be churning out awards winning games in no time, all while lounging on your couch and eating Cheetos. 😎😎👊 Dm me if you want more info for the affiliate link
buys masterclass
Okay so step one is you’re gonna download Scratch
You have to put
in the end, because people in this day and age can no longer recognize sarcasm, probably because we all spend way too much time on the Internet.
It’s like scope creep, but where the demanding client is also your boss/coworker.
Not to mention that an idea is not a game, not even conceptually. There’s a reason it’s called game design and not game turn-idea-into-code.
- I’d say that anyone that claims to be a designer but has no programming experience is typically incompatible with any project
It’s got some real scientifically based dragons vibes.
No joke, I once met a guy like this in an indie game developers meetup, and on top of that he was extremely vague about his idea because he told everyone he once managed to get a coder on board and “that rat wanted to take advantage of him and his idea”, literally.
I had a guy whose pitch was “Ok, you’re the president.”
That was the game idea. The whole thing.
I’m picturing Microsoft flight simulator but for politics. I’m in.
It ws only like a decided ago when I had multiple amazing ideas for games and other software, only to have nearly none when I actually started to do some programming for fun.
I think there’s only one game I would like to try making where I see it may have some success, but the idea is very vague and devil is in the details and execution I guess.
Sure as long as you donate 100,000 USD a year to my bank account.
If you’re this guy, You’ve gotta be a really good writer and you gotta write it first.
Funny thing is, it’s actually not that hard to get additional volunteers for an ongoing project if you’re competent enough, only recent issues are YanDev messing up a lot of things (both his game and life) which might create some skepticism towards indie devs looking for such volunteering, and people not understanding how solo indie development works and fetishizing successes without truly understanding them.
I’ve had game and software ideas swirling around in my brain, but for the longest time I couldn’t program them. But now, I have enough knowledge to build parts of my grand deckbuilding game idea: An arcade style deckbuilding game with strong meta-progression. It’s playable at
As for some other ideas, including the simple idea of a weighted shuffle music playlist where each song has its own weight, they are still currently out of reach, mostly due to trying to access the filesystem and whatnot. Better than a month ago, where within the last month I found out how to make the browser play music
Oh god have had people try this exact thing with me before.
I got asked by a team of first timers who have never done any professional coding or design if I wanted to chip in on a competitive MMOFPS they want to make.
That’s not going to happen. Between the rise of cheating, the insane hardware and optimization requirements of an MMOFPS, the general lack of interest in the genre (most have died due to low player counts), and the sheer amount of time and effort involved in designing and balancing the game even after it’s largely feature complete? Forget it, I’m better off buying lottery tickets than hoping for anything to come of that.
This reminds me of a legendary thread in the forums of the German gaming magazine GameStar:
Me: reads the comment
Me: reads “German gaming magazine”
Still me: clicks the link and is disappointed when it’s all in German
For some reason, I click it, and Google translated it for me?
me and my team (we are atm 3: me and 2 school colleagues) started a pretty big project last week. I know it sounds crazy, but we are working on a successor to WoW. Please don’t say we can’t do it anyway, because we are very ambitious and are very experienced WoW players. I’m posting here to find more people for our team. We have a modeler (me), a musician (for the background music and sound effects) and a community manager. We are still looking for a programmer to bring the whole thing to life. If you would like to apply, please post what experience you have so far with game programming and what programming languages you know (we want to write the game in Java because we already learned a bit of Java at school last year).
Our goals/motivation: Wow is now a few years old and Blizzard doesn’t seem to be thinking about a successor. Instead, they create one extension at a time. The graphics are quite old and WoW2 is supposed to look much better (my models are almost photorealistic). The quests should be more exciting (don’t always kill XY, get XY). >There will be epic battles with up to 500vs500 fighters. We have invented two new classes: Necromancer and Hobblings. But I don’t want to tell you everything here and save it for later. I will send a project plan to anyone who is interested. ^We can’t pay for the work, but when we publish it, for example, we share the subscription fees we get ($10 per player).
Greetings. Wow2
The OP replied a few time as well, reiterating that this is a serious project. They even uploaded some of the “photorealistic” models, but the pics are offline, sadly.
I don’t think it was ever truly revealed whether it was an elaborate troll or just a spark of adolescent folly.
As a person that has a lot of ideas and no coding or art knowledge, it sucks because I know I can’t expect someone else to do it for me and I don’t have the time or mental capacity to learn. I guess I can just have AI do it for me now /s
I envy you in some ways, recognizing your limits is something I wish I would have done. I came from a coding background, spent like 2 years learning unity, then eventually realized much of the cool stuff for games happen on the art side. So I learned blender… the whole pipeline- modeling, sculpting, materials, animations, each piece had it’s own challenges and quirks.
It’s been like 15 years since I started, I still haven’t released a game… but I do have a collection of neat prototypes that no one has played. I often wonder if I’ve wasted my time with the whole thing. If I could go back, I’d choose one niche, specialize in it and find a team to collaborate with, but there are trade offs with that too like giving up a lot of creative control.
fuck idea guys. an idea is worth nothing until you actually put the work in
I have this idea of how to solve the world’s energy problem…ok ok just hear me out… nuclear fusion…just need some smart science nerd to figure it out. Any volunteers?
Y’all remember that post about the “science-based dragon MMO” that topped the gaming page of…that other site…? If not, I’ll include the title and image below, because it’s got the same energy as this post.
Dear internet, I’m a 26 year old lady who’s been developing a science-based, 100% dragon MMO for the last two years. I’m finally making my beta-website now, and using my 3D work as a base to create my 50+ concept images. Wish me luck, Reddit; You’ll be the first to see the site when it’s finished.
The comments were surprisingly constructive considering she basically pasted zsphere sketches over a generic background and announced she had been solo developing the most ambitious dragon fucking game the world has ever seen. It’s been 12 years, I wonder how she’s doing?
You know what’s ironic about all this is, as someone who has seen game dev pitches (not good ones), they arguably had their shit together more than most aspiring game devs. Looking back at the skeletals, ya know they actually may have had a chance of getting somewhere. They knew absolutely nothing about the technical side, but hardly any game devs actually do. They probably still stand a better chance today of developing this than some game studios asset-mashing in Unity or Unreal. That’s the true state of game dev.