D: You’re unpopular and a nerd.
He/Him | Hu/En/some Jp | ASD | Bi | C/C++/D/C#/Java
D: You’re unpopular and a nerd.
When the software becomes hardware dependent thanks to a rare and hard to track down bugs, sometimes driver bugs (ask OpenGL developers about their experience with lower-end and embedded hardware!).
In college, we had to use Hungarian pseudocode. I still have PTSD from it, especially as the teacher was a psycho that had a meltdown every time her “how do you do fellow kids” moment terribly backfired, most infamously by putting Twilight references into a test (everybody audibly cringed reading the tests).
Others: “Oh god, regexes are so hard to understand!”
Me, an intellectual: writing a code that does the same.
Elon Musk will fund the development of KKK++, a programming language that will bring us back to the good old times before “GOTOs considered harmful” dropped, because real programmers not only do away with memory safety, but structured programming too.
Weirdly enough the whole “involuntary celibate” thing originated from a queer woman, then the internet desided to hate her and to “reclaim” the term “incel” to people that are truly alone: extremely misogynistic men.
I just begun hearing “I’m in the house like carpet” inside my head. Thanks Tobyfox on Bluesky!
Rust has its own issues.
Before the memory safety craze, Rust was hyped as a functional programming language, meaning it not only has lambdas and monads, but also const by default, which will force you to rethink all your programming decisions. Also no classes, so you do even more rethinking.
Quickly move the switch while on track, then hope the paths willl be wide enough to stop the trolley.
And then it returns with thanking trump and co., and your first meeting has the unchangable title “a prayer for president trump”.
Solo indie game dev here, I’m primarily like this because of dumb reasons.
Imagine you’re a drummer, and you’re seeking a band. However, instead of finding people who either need a drummer, or want to form a new band, you get people telling you, that you did a grave mistake by focusing on drums, since drum machines exist. Bass players assume if you don’t want to pay them upfront, that means you want to exploit them. When looking for vocalists, you get told that how great instrumental music is, and a really bad singer can ruin a band. After many circles, you get told that you should just play drums under pre-recorded guitar loops.
I call this effect “djentification”. Formerly collaborative art becomes easier to produce for a single person, then it becomes the new standard, with people instead try to speialize in a way they can most effectively produce said art alone.
Just don’t have gendered bathrooms, simple as that.
Gender is a struct
struct Gender {
byte binaryBias; ///Determines male (+) or female (-) bias if present
ubyte binaryAm; ///Determines the amount of binary gender(s) present
bool isTrans; ///True if assigned at birth gender does not equal with current one
ubyte xenoAm; ///Determines the amount of xenogender
uint xenoGen; ///Xenogender selection, 0 if not applicable
Sex* sex; ///Pointer to the person's current sex
That’s why you use bitarrays and bitflags instead when you need more than just one or two arguments for a function.
Well, one advantage of running your text editor in a browser is you have access to the browser.
Use Qt or some similar framework to develop your desktop apps, or use SDL or similar middleware if you want your own and want portability very quickly. I even managed to write my own SDL replacement.
The right one is after 10+ hours of debugging.